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Minho's POV

    "Felix asked me to get you, since I was closer." I said to Jisungie who smiled big at me, he looked so cuddly for some reason, "Minmin." He said with the same heart shape smile, I love.

     "Hey Sungie." Grabbing his bag for him, "Can you stand up?" He nod his head, watching him stand up, then lean, "How much did you eat?" Picking up the bag, "The whole thing." My eyes opened wide, I know the boys made it a strong batch, a half of a half would have been a more then enough. Grabbing his hand and making him lean on me, "Let's get you home." "Carry me." How could I say no to him, putting his backpack on him, I pick him up on my back, "Thank you." He said as he put his face in my neck, feeling his breath, I was getting weak in the knees.

     The walk to his dorm wasn't bad, if he didn't fall asleep on me, sighing as I got to his dorm, I called Felix, "Come downstairs and help me, Hannie fell asleep." He just laughed at me, "Not fucking playing, hurry." Hiking him up so he didn't fall off of me, once Felix came to open the door for me, "You are lucky, I like him." I said as we walked to the elevator, he just giggled. Getting to the dorm, I carefully put him on his bed, taking off his backpack and shoes, walking out, a hand stopped me.

      "Stay with me." "You won't like that when you wake up, Sungie." "Don't care, don't leave me with that bottom, he laughed at me." Chuckling at him, taking off my shoes, I got in bed with him and he pulled me close, "Thank you." He said, brushing some hair out of his face, I kissed his forehead, "You are welcome, honey." Soon he was out, sighing to myself, what the fuck have I done.

Jisung's POV

     Waking up an hour later, still high as fuck, I groaned, rubbing my head, feeling a hand on me.

      "Yo, what the fuck?" I said quietly, looking down at Minho, fast asleep, in my bed. Then it hit me, "That fucking bottom, but I also asked him to stay." Looking down at him again, he looked so peaceful, moving some hair from his face, "Beautiful." Running my finger over his eyebrows, watching his face move as he slept, his nose scrunched up. My heart fucking hurts, he is so fucking cute, leaning in closer, my body froze, what am I doing. Before I could process what the fuck I just did, I kissed his nose. In which, his arms went around my neck and pulled me close into him, my body on top of his, he is so warm. My own personal heater, sighing in warmth and happiness, I feel myself get tired again.

     "Wake up!" Rubbing my head at the loud ass voice, "Care to fucking explain why you are yelling so fucking loud?" I heard his voice underneath me, burying my face furthering into his neck, "Dude I have been trying to fucking reach you for the last two hours, we have drill practice in an hour. Coach, will not only fucking kill me, but will kill you for not being there." Chuckling at Changbin yelling at Minho, Minho's arms became tighter around my waist. 

     "Lee Know, I'm not fucking playing. Get up!" Then I heard my door slam, taking in a breath, "Do you really have to go?" Turning my head to face him, "Unfortunately, or that bart will beat my ass." Giggling at him, he rubbed my back, "That's mean you have to move." Putting my face into his neck more, "No, I am comfortable." I felt his arms tighten more around me, "Three days until our date, we can do whatever you want. Even if that means laying in your bed the whole time, as long as I am with you." He placed a kiss on my temple, "But I really have to go honey." Finally giving up after the nickname, I let out a sigh, trying to cover up the blush that is raising to my cheeks, "Can you come back after practice and can we cuddle?" Looking at his eyes, as he looked into mine.

       "I would love too, but we both have class tomorrow, and I have my game. That you are going to?" Nodding my head, as Minho poked my cheek with his finger, "Cute." Smiling, just when my door was opened again, "Get the fuck up Lee! You can fuck later!" Then my door was slammed again, "I may kill him before you do, if he slams my door one more time." I said, Minho laughed, smiling at him, before I knew it, both of us were sitting up. Cracking my neck and shoulders, I unlinked my legs with Minho, his arms were still on my waist. Getting up, I walked him out, were an ugly Changbin stood with a smiley Felix, "Let's go, before I punch you on the blue line." Minho just smiled, "See you later, Jisungie." He kissed my forehead, walking to Changbin, who he hit over the head. 

   "You will say nothing to the other bottoms, you hear me. Or I will hide all of your baking things." Felix just laughed at him, this fucking bottom and fucking laughing at me, but I started to blush. Fuck, I am finally letting him into my heart, stupid hot, hockey player.



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