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'''' Tell me what you think, I hope the dictionary at the end helps with the hockey terms I use.''''

    "You guys look cute!" Felix said as we got inside the caf, Jeongin had a slight blush come on his face.

    "Thank you Lix." Seungmin smiled, "I am getting food." I said, Felix went up with me.

    "Yo Jisung you going to the game tonight?" Jungkook asked, as we did a bro hug, "Yeah, guessing you are going." "I mean of course, I have to support my boys. After the game, win or lose, the guys are throwing a party at Lambda Chi and I am inviting you guys." Before I could say no, "We would love to, do you have a ride to the game JungKookie." Felix asked, come on Felix, first the game, now a fucking frat party with the team.

    "Jimin, Taehyung and I are driving together. After the game just meet at Lambda, we will wait outside for you guys. See you at the game." He smiled then walked away.

  "First the game, now a frat party, Felix." He rolled his eyes as we walked back to the the table.

    "So news!" Felix said, "We are going to a party after the game. JungKookie invited us." "Then I have to change." Seungmin said, "No time. They will be waiting outside for us." I said taking a bite of my food.

     The rest of dinner we talked, leaving, we stole hot chocolate and put it in our water bottles. Walking to my car, the talking didn't stop, especially Jeongin and Seungmin who talked about how hot the guys they are crushing on. I rolled my eyes as I drove to the rink. Once there, we paid the five dollars to get in, walking over to the student area, where Jungkook, Jimin and Tae sat. Sitting next to them, we all greeted each other, warm ups are about to start.

      "Come on we are heading to the glass." Jeongin said as he grabbed my hand to pull me with him. I let out a loud groan, why can't I never say no to him. Standing by the glass as warm ups started, I looked at all the puck bunnies* that were standing around the glass. I pulled my hoodie over my head, then someone jumped on the glass, it was none other then Changbin, Felix's boyfriend. They did their thing, I looked over at the other two who watched in aw, then the fucking broads were checked* again.

     "Lee Minho." I said, he smiled and winked at me, "You are wearing the wrong jersey!" He yelled over the glass, I read his lips, rolling my eyes, "I told you." Felix said, I made a tch sound. I gave him the middle finger then walked back to the boys, "Don't." I said as they giggled at me.

    "In all the three years he has been trying to get with you and you still turn him down." Jimin said, I huffed, "Yeah. He is just cocky, just like every other hockey player I know. Plus his dad is a retired NHL player, so he thinks he is better then everyone." "Well he did go first overall, but he told them he wanted to finish college before he signed a contract." Tae said, "He signed with the Toronto Maple Leafs." Jimin said, "And he is the first Korean born to ever get drafted, let alone first overall." Jungkook added, "Yeah, yeah." They dropped the conversation, as warm ups ended and the boys came back up.

    "Simps." I stated as they still stared at the ice.


Puck Bunny: term to use to talk about a group of girls that only watch hockey to try to get with one of the players. (I can take this out if it offends some people, but I am just using terms, I know from playing and working with hockey teams.)

Checked: Being rammed up into the broads by another player.

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