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jisung pov

     Getting back to campus, I made all of them hand me their campus id's and room keys. Just in case campus security comes to bust the party, walking towards Lambda, we saw Jungkook, Jimin and Tae waiting for us.

     "Sorry we are late. I had to pull Jeongin away from Hyunjin." I said, JK smiled at me.

   "It's okay, let's head in, some of the team showed up anyway." Jimin said, Jungkookie unlocked the door and we went inside. You could already smell the alcohol as we headed towards the main living room.

    "You guys did make it!" Hobi yelled at us, dabbing him up, "It's good to see you Hannie." He said, then said hi to the rest of the guys, "Enjoy! Namjoon is on bar duty, and if you want to listen to a specific song, Yoongi is DJ." He said to us then walked off.

    I looked at the boys, Jungkookie, Jimin and Tae went off, "What are the rules?" I said.

   "Jisungie is DD. If we get too drunk, we find you. Don't leave the place unless it's with someone we know. Keep phones on all night." We all said.

    "Cool. Let's get a drink." I said, walking to the bar, "Hey guys." Namjoon said, "I'll take a beer." I said, yum piss water, I said to myself.

    "No, we are doing shots. You know the rules." Felix said, I rolled my eyes as Namjoon made us a line of shots. I downed mine fast, "Now beer." I said, he filled the solo cup, then took what the guys wanted.

    "Hey baby." I heard Binnie say, that only means, "Hey Jisungie." I heard Minho say.

    "For fucks sake." I finished my beer fast, "Joonie another shot." He smiled, as i downed the shot.

    "What Minho?" As I was handed another beer, taking a look at him, he was wearing a black shirt, flannel and black ripped skinny jeans. Would never tell him but he is hot. "Hey Hannie!" I heard my name being called, looking at Seungmin and Chan, "Yeah?" "You have his things right?" I nod my head, "Good!" Then Chan pulled Seungmin in for a kiss on the lips and my mouth flew open. What the fuck just happened. The crowd cheered, "Flies will go in." I heard Minho say, making a tch sound, looking back at him.

    "Have anyone else you can bother tonight." He chuckled and smiled at me, "Only you." I rolled my eyes as I finished my beer, I'm done drinking for the night.

    "Go find some twink to fuck with. I am not in the mood to deal with you bothering me tonight." I said with a straight face, he rolled his eyes.

    "Joonie, can I have a beer please?" He asked, then he looked back at me, "And a water for Jisungie." How thoughtful, I rolled my eyes and said a fast thank you as he handed me the water. He opened his mouth to say something, when "Minho!" I let out a sound as Jessica came running over to us. I rolled my eyes as she threw herself at him, I walked away drinking my water. Bro he is gay, he as even has a news article about him being the first openly gay NHL player. Finding a couch that didn't have people basically fucking on it, I sat down, pulling out my phone.

     "Hey Hannie." I looked up, seeing Changbin and Felix.

     "Chan wants the apartment to himself, so Seungmin said we can stay in his room." Changbin said, "So we just need the keys for his room." Felix said, "How about I stay in Minnie's room, in case you two fuck. You guys can do it on Felix's bed, instead of Minnie's." "Even better. We will find you after to grab the key. So you can grab you stuff." Felix said. Ten bucks says they don't even make it for Felix's room. I smiled and nod my head as they left me alone again.

     Drinking my water, it started to get louder and was getting too much for me. Getting up, I went to find Felix, once I did, I wish I didn't, "Here." I handed him the key and I left, not the first time, but god why they are so horny.

i have a minchan fanfic in the works... idk if people like minchan, but i'm secretly a whore for this ship. anygay! ( ' ▽ ' )

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