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!!!Mention of drug use!!!

Just a heads up for you if you are triggered, I mean it's not bad! Anygay, on with the story.

   Sitting in English at 7 in the morning, just to go over my English paper. I wanted to bash my head into the wall. Reading and going over it with my professor, she deemed it okay, then I was sent on my way. No fucking way was I walking all the way back to my dorm, I walked to the Caf. Swiping my card, I went to grab food and do some homework, I didn't get to. Drinking my coffee, and working on my English paper once again, I got an email, that my only class for today is cancelled. Sighing, I closed my laptop, "Oh." I said as I finally saw the person sitting at my table.

     "Oh, is all I get." Minho said, taking a bite of his food. Putting my laptop away, I looked at him, humming, "You free today?" He asked, "Still trying to get me on a date?" Raising an eyebrow at him, "Seeing we aren't dating yet, then yes am I." Watching him smirk, I rolled my eyes and hoped that the fucking heat rising to my cheeks wouldn't show.

        "Don't you have classes today?" Taking a sip of my coffee, as I waited for an answer, "I don't have classes on Wednesday, but I'm guessing you do, seeing you are up so early." He smiled at me as he took a drink, "Says the one with no classes and is up at 7:30 am. I have class at 9 but it was cancelled and I had to go over my English paper at 7 am." "So you are free." He stared at me, not like I'm going to kill you type of stare, more like I love you, please marry me, type of stare.

        "I don't know, I may have homework to do." Smiling, "Or the bottoms will make me hang out with them." Giggling at my joke, Minho started to chuckle as well, just then his phone started to ring. He excuse himself to answer it, watching him as he talked. Sighing to myself, I am finally letting him into my life, breaking the stupid promise I told myself and to my mom.

       "Sorry, that was Channie, Coach wants us to have a drill practice tonight." Watching him sigh, I grabbed his hand, "How about Saturday night, we do something. I know you guys have a games tomorrow and Friday, so if you are free Saturday, I'll be free." Smiling at him, "Plus the next two weeks you only have away games. Unless, you have a party you have to go to." Feeling his hand tighten around mine, "You and I both know I hate parties, so I am willing to skip to go on a date with you." I knew he could see my blush, because he commented on it, "Saturday, you are mine." Smiling again, he kissed my cheek, and I knew my whole face and neck is red.

       "I'll see you tomorrow at the game." He grabbed his things and left me in shock, what the fuck just happened.

      Still trying to process what just happened, I grab my things and head to the schools store. Walking in, I see Innie by the ice cream, humming as I stood next to him, "Ice cream at 8 in the morning." He turned to me, and his eyes were a slight red, "Have any more?" Nodding his head, "Outside." Giggling at him, grabbing our snacks and pay, we then head outside.

      "Any reason?" I asked, as he handed me a bag of rice treats, "Sope made them and gave them to Jinnie who then gave to me then now I am giving them to you." Rapper Jeongin, I said to myself, "Sope always has the best, thank you. You have class?" He nodded his head, "Music theory in 20 minutes." Watching him take a huge bite of his ice cream, "Want me to walk you, my class got canceled and you class is by the library." He smiled big at me, his eyes becoming small crescent moons, petting his head, we started our walk.

      The whole way, Innie talked about everything and anything and I listened. He talked about how people don't know that chocolate milk does in fact come from brown cows. Lucky he is cute, faded Innie is a different level, but in a room with Lixie, Innie and I faded, Seungminnie wants to kill us.

      "Thank you for walking me." He kissed my cheek, nothing new between us, "Welcome Innie, I'll be at the library if you need me after class." He smiled again and gave me a thumbs up. Walking to the library, I walked into my study room, well it's actually the hockey teams study room. But none of those poor bastards really use it, so I do and no one bothers me, it's nice. Pulling out my homework for Music comp 1105, and the rice treat. Eating the treat, I started to work on the homework, which was to tell what pitch was what, fucking grade school shit. Sighing as I worked on it and that fucking treat hit me hard and fast, thankfully I finished my homework. Because, fuck. Looking at the baggie, hoping to see if the guys put how much they used in it, but nothing. Pulling out my phone, before I would be gone in five minutes, "Pick up." I said as the phone rang, "Hello?" Lixie said in a shaky voice, knowing he was probably still sleeping, since he doesn't have class on Wednesday's.

"Lixie, I know I woke you up, but I had a snack from Sope and I need you to pick me up. Study room five on the third floor of the library." I listen to that bottom laugh at me, "Be there soon. They made this batch super strong." "I can fucking tell! I'm going to fucking kill them." He just laughed at me more, "Felix, I'm not kidding, get your ass over here." "On my way dumbass, see you soon." Then he hung up the phone, looking at my lock screen, "I hate him too." Putting my phone down, as the drugs kicked in more. I started to feel good, and light headed, please Felix hurry. Soon enough there was a knock on the door, looking up it was Minho, shit.


may have wrote this has I was also faded.. hehe.


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