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    Enjoy <3

     I don't know how long I slept but when I woke up, I found Minho instead of Felix. Cuddling closer to him, I listen to him let out a soft laugh, and his hand rubbing my cheeks.

    "Jisungie wake up, remember we have a date." Groaning, looking up at him, "But you said I could pick whatever I wanted to do for our date." He smiled at me and my heart jumped, his bunny like smile, "I did say that." "So I want to cuddle and be with you." He hummed, "I think I can do that, but I have to leave in two hours for the game."

    The way his face fell when he said game, sitting up, I gave him my full attention, "Minho." I whispered, scared if I spoke any louder, I may hurt his ears.

     "I think we need to talk." He sighed, as he pulled me closer, "I don't think I will ever be ready for the talk." He looked down, putting my hand on his face, making him look up at me.

     "I will be here the whole time. I will listen to you with my whole heart, always." Smiling at him, he leaned in fast and gave me a peck on the lips, "Thank you honey." "Always." He gave me a half smile, before taking in a deep breath, then the words spilled out.

      We talked for an hour, listening the whole time, speaking when I felt like it was needed. The last hour I had with him before he had to leave for the rink, we cuddled, and shared stolen kisses. No make outs, just soft pecks and longing eyes, my brain went fuzzy when he called me beautiful. But soon our date came to an end, "Do you want me at the game tonight, since we are playing them again." He pulled our faces together, rubbing our noses, my heart swelled at the little action, "Of course." "Please Min, tell Binnie so that he can kick his ass. I don't want you to come home with anymore bruises because of some prick." "Only if I get my good luck kiss tonight." Giggling, I bumped his nose, kissing his lips.

     "Of course."

      The stupid smile never left my face, dressed in my sweater, the boys where at the glass, but I stood by the bench. When the boys came out, Minho was last, high fiving the hands, then he stopped at me, leaning over the railing, I could only reach his forehead.

      "Win me a game." Smiling at him as he held my hand, "I'm trying to win your heart." My face started to heat up, he kissed my knuckles, "But I already did that, guess I could win you a game." Kissing my knuckles again, he winked and smiled at me, before letting go and heading to the ice. Moving quickly to our side, I stood next to the boys, Felix grabbed my hand, leaning my head on his shoulder.

       During the second intermission, "Heard there will be another party tonight." Our other friends finally joining us, which was just two of them, since the other three played on the team. But the other three were on the cheer team, "Nice of you two to finally show up." Seungmin said as Jongho sat next to him, "Well mom wanted to make sure we were not too cold." He said pointed to Seonghwa who had looked like he was ready for a snow storm.

       "Hey! I don't want you to get sick." Laughing at Seonghwa, "So Hongjoon, finally got to play tonight." I said, Hongjoon got injured during preseason and he was finally cleared to play tonight.

     "Yeah, Wooyoung, and Yunho are excited to finally play with him again. Sucks the other three can't be here." Jongho said, "Right tonight is the first Basketball game of the season." Jeongin said, Felix hummed, he wanted to try out for cheerleading last year but he didn't want to give up missing Changbin's games.

       We talked the rest of the intermission, the last period, felt so long, we were just down by one and needed to score two not to tie the game. Jin put up a goal, with ten minutes left, tying the game. With three minutes left, Hyunjin, put up the last goal we needed to win. Cheering, Jeongin screamed the loudest, laughing at him as he went crazy. Winning the game, we went to the locker room, watching as the boys came out, my face lite up as I saw Minho. He mouthed the words 'Honey' before smiling and disappearing into the locker room.

     Waiting for them to be done with interviews, showers and to be dressed. One by one each of them came out, and they each started to leave, but I was last.

       "We will see you at the party?" Jeongin asked me, "Um, I don't think so, Minho and I are hanging out." Smiling at the younger, "Okay. Be safe Hannie." Hugging each other, he left with his boyfriend. As I waited for Minho, soon he came out with a huge smile on his face, "Honey." Smiling at him, hugging him, he pulled our faces close and kissed my nose, "Let's go watch a movie." He said, "Anything, as long as I get to cuddle you." He kissed my forehead, cheeks then my lips. Smiling, "Of course my honey."  

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