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One month with Patrick and it has been the best month ever. He's the sweetest baby and it's so quiet and amazing. "Baby, I've got to head out for the game, are you going to bring Patrick by?" JD asked as he came into the bedroom where I was feeding him. 

Today is his last game at home for the month of June before they leave on a nine game road trip. "Yeah, I think I will. It's been a month, I'll just sit in the suite with the girls, I'm sure they're going to love on him. I probably won't have to worry about him as much." I said and he smiled. 

He came over and gave me a kiss and then kissed Patrick on the head. "Alright, I'll see the both of you later then after the game." He said as he walked out of the bedroom. Not even ten minutes after he left, my mom came into the bedroom. 

"Mom, what are you doing here? Were you supposed to come and I forgot?" I asked. "No, I didn't tell you I was coming, I did bring your dad too." She said. "Well where is he?" I asked. "Right here, sorry really had to go to the bathroom before coming up here." He said and I laughed and shook my head. 

"I am still confused as to why the both of you are still here though." I said. "What we can't come see a game with you and visit our only grandson?" She asked and I smiled. "I mean yes you can, but a little warning would be nice now and then." I said with a laugh. 

Once I was done feeding and burping Patrick, I handed him off to my parents so I could go shower and get ready for the game. After I showered, I put on a nursing tank top, biker shorts and threw on one of JD's jersey's and a pair of vans. I lightly did some makeup and put my hair in a ponytail. 

I was slowly losing the baby weight, but all of it wasn't gone yet. I was still self conscious of my new body, so I was trying to hide it as much as I can. "Did you guys get him ready for the game?" I asked coming downstairs and seeing that my parents were also ready to go. 

"Yeah, he's all good, I changed his diaper too not that long ago." My dad said and I smiled and grabbed the keys and off we went to the ballpark. "Oh my god, he's the cutest thing ever!" Chelsea said as she was holding Patrick as we were now in the suite with the other wives. 

"He's a tank, all he does is eat." I said. "I want one now." She said. "Yeah when are you and Matt planning on having kids?" I asked. "I don't know, the thought really hasn't been brought up in awhile since he's always away so much. We're content with our fur babies right now. Maybe soon we will start the conversation about kids, I mean I'm not getting any younger here." She said. 

"You two would probably have the cutest freaking babies ever. Besides Patrick of course." I said and she laughed. "I mean you're not wrong. We do have some good genes, but so do you and JD, he's gonna be a ladies man when he gets older." She said. 

"How was labor?" Erin asked, JBJ's wife. "I mean for being a week late, it sucked. I wanted and epidural but by the time the nurse came in to check me, I was already ready to push, so I felt every single thing and it hurt, a lot. He was also huge too." I said. 

"All worth it though right?" Erin asked. "Oh for sure, I would have 10 more babies if they were all like Patrick." I said and they laughed. We watched the game and they ended up winning against the Tigers 10-2. 

We all were going down on to the field as it was also family day today! I completely forgot about it being family day until all the kids were running around in the suite with us. "There they are, my two favorite people in the world." JD said as he came up from the dugout and over to us. 

He gave me a kiss and then I handed him Patrick. "Come on, let's go take some pictures." He said and I smiled and followed him over to the green monster to take some and then into center field as well. 

"You know how much I appreciate you right?" JD said as he looked over at me. I nodded. "I love you a thousand times over and you're the best mother to Patrick out there, I wouldn't want anyone else to be the mother of my children. You're beautiful inside and out, even when you don't think so, I can't imagine being with anyone else other than you babe, so as I hold our son, and try to balance this, will you Amanda, marry me?" He said as he got down on one knee. 

"Oh my god JD, yes I will marry you." I said and he smiled and stood back up and I took the ring and put it on my finger and everyone cheered as we kissed. "I'm so happy for you sweetie, you deserve this." My mom said coming up to me and giving me a hug. 

"So, is this why you and dad showed up without telling me?" I asked and she nodded. "We couldn't give anything away, so we just showed up." She said and I smiled and hugged the both of them and turned back to JD who still was holding Patrick. 

"I love you beyond words JD." 

"I love you too, future Mrs. Martinez." 


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