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Ah Boston, here we are again. Start of the regular season, the off season went too quickly and here I was about ready to pop. Granted, I'm not due for another month and a half. I've been back in Boston for a couple of weeks now getting the house ready for JD and Patrick's arrival. 

My dad had driven up and helped out with the nursey and my mom helped me with getting the house cleaned and stocked up with food and whatnot. We had my baby shower down in Florida, so getting everything here was hard, but most things did stay down in Florida for the off season like the crib that we would use at the house, high chair and things like that. 

JD and I loved the theming of the black and white nursery for our Boston home, it pays off having two house because you can have two different themes and whatnot and double the amount of clothes, which is what I have

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JD and I loved the theming of the black and white nursery for our Boston home, it pays off having two house because you can have two different themes and whatnot and double the amount of clothes, which is what I have. 

"How are you feeling?" My mom asked as she was making me some lunch before we started getting ready for the game. "Huge, I feel huge mom." I said with a laugh. "That's how I felt with you and your brother, I was huge for both of you." She said and handed me a sandwich that she had made. 

"I am a little nervous." I said. "Why? You and JD are going to be great parents." She said. "We're having a baby in the middle of baseball season, he's going to be away so much and I don't know how I am going to be." I said. 

"You know I'll be here for you when you need it. Just let me know and I'll be here." She said. "I know but I also need to know how I'm going to be without him here you know?" I said. "I know, but like I said I'm one phone call away." She said giving me a smile. 

After we ate, we both went upstairs and got ready for the game. I put on a pair of leggings since that's all that fit, boots, a long sleeve white shirt and a Red Sox jacket that I had made and then a beanie. 

"You make being pregnant look so good, ready to go?" My mom asked and I nodded. We went off to the Stadium and it was great being back at Fenway with the fans. "There she is, there's the baby momma!" X said as he saw me coming down the stairs in the stands. 

"Hey X!" I said leaning over the rail and giving him a hug. "How are you, getting close now are we?" He asked. "Good, we're good, just ready for him to be here, where's JD?" I asked looking around the field. 

"I am right here love." He said coming out of the dugout and over to us and giving me a kiss. "I missed you this morning." I said and he smiled. "I missed you too, it's weird being back here again but I love it and can't wait for this season and for little man to get here. How are you today?" 

"I am alright, had some doubts this morning but that's just me being nervous." I said. "You have nothing to doubt babe, you're going to be the best mother for Patrick and I can't wait to watch the two of you together." He said giving me another kiss. 

"I have to go, but I'll see you at home alright?" He said and I nodded and went back up to our seats. "Girl look at you! I haven't seen you since the gender reveal, he's getting big!" Chelsea said giving me a hug before we sat down. 

"I know he's huge, just went you think I can't stretch anymore, I can. He's cozy all up in there though." I said rubbing my belly. "How are you and JD both good?" She asked. "Yeah amazing. We had a little run in with our neighbor being my ex back in Florida, but since then we've been so good. He's going to be the best dad to Patrick." I said. 

The game started and it was freezing out here, like it was during the middle of the day, but it's March in Boston, nothing fun. I was looking around the stadium happy that it was a sold out crowd and then my eyes landed on him. On Brandon, what the fuck is he doing here?

"Mom, Brandon is here." I said leaning over to tell her. She follows my gaze and finds him in the crowd. "God why is he here?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders. I could hear him yelling over all the fans and I just put my head in my hands. 

"Hey JD, you fucking suck homewrecker." He yelled at him and I knew JD could hear him, I could see it on his face. Please just don't say anything JD please don't. "How about you let me have my girl back you asswipe." I saw JD go over to Cora, probably to ask for security and Alex went back to the phone. 

"She's a whore anyway, the baby probably isn't even yours anyway." Oh fuck, I've never seen JD turn around so fast to stare at him. By now the whole dugout is trying to keep him from climbing over the fence to knock his ass out. 

"Don't you ever say that about my girlfriend again you stupid fuck. She left you cause you were cheating on her, you don't deserve the beautiful human being that she's become since she left your sorry ass." Oh mad JD is suuuper hot and turning me on. 

"You good?" Chelsea asked. "Yeah, just super entertained by this, mad JD has me turned on with all these raging hormones." I said with a laugh. Security came down and finally took him away, not before he looked my way and pointed me out. 

"Fuck you, you stupid whore." I smiled and waved goodbye to him like the petty bitch I am. "Don't need you in my life anyway you cheater, BYE!" I said and the whole crowd started clapping as they were ushering him out of the stadium. 

The rest of the game went by as planned and we won 5-0. My mom and I went home and I turned on the shower in hopes to get warmed up. I don't know how long I was in there for but the curtain opened and JD came in and stood behind me. 

"Mmmm good game today baby." I said turning around and kissing him. "Yeah, I'm not sure what possessed him to start all that shit with me, but he got what he deserved. I wish I couldn't have knocked him out though." He said. 

"You getting mad was totally a turn on, it was so hot." I said and he smirked and leaned down and kissed me. "Well let me show you how badly I want you." I smirked at him and bit my lip. "God I love you so much." 

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