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"What do you mean you're leaving for the weekend, again?" Brandon asked as he watched Amanda pack her bags for Boston to spend the weekend with JD. "Because Brandon I can, I don't have to stay home 24/7 and cater to you when you're home." She said as she looked at him. 

"I know you cater to me and I don't thank you enough for it, but I can't help but think that there's someone better in Boston for you. Is there?" He asked. "No Brandon there isn't. I just like going to Boston and I love going to Fenway, alone. There's nothing better than surrounding yourself with the fans there. Sometimes I just need to be alone."

"I don't know why we're still together Amanda. You obviously have found someone better than me." He said. "Because I love you Brandon. I'm just not going to throw away four years of my life in the blink of an eye. If we can't fix what we have by the end of the summer, then we will call it quits? Alright, does that make you happy?" She asked him and he sighed. 

"As much as I don't want to say yes to that, I have to. I want what's best for you and if that's not being with me, then so be it. Are you traveling this summer like you said you were going to?"  He asked as she walked into the bathroom. 

"I am and it's starting next week, I'm heading to Houston." She said. "Going to the games?" He asked. "I mean probably a couple, I still want to get out and explore the city." She truthfully was going to all the games and spending all her free time with JD, but she didn't want to expose Brandon to that yet. 

"Alright, I guess I'll let you go. I love you and be safe this weekend." He said as he kissed her cheek and left the house. In that moment, she did love him, he was compassionate towards her, but JD still lurked in the back of her mind. 

JD had sent the tickets to her, as well as a key to his apartment, which she was confused about. She was going up the night before they came home, he wanted her to stay there, so he could see her in the morning before he went to the park, which was beyond sweet of him to do for her. 

She did feel weird hiding everything from Brandon, but it was for his and her own good. As she was getting into the car to head up to Boston, JD was calling her. "Oh well well well, look who is calling me for once!" She said as she turned on the car and pulled out of the driveway. 

"Well I just want to make sure you got to my place safe and that I really can't wait to see you." He said and she smiled. "Well I'm just leaving my house now, so I should be there within two hours if traffic isn't crap." She said. 

"Well you are heading into Boston, so it probably will be. How did Brandon take you leaving for the weekend?" He asked. "I mean, he was mad. But I told him that if we didn't work on us by the end of the summer then we're done. Surprisingly, he was okay with that. So I guess we will see how things go." 

"Well I hope they go good, I just want you to be happy." He said. "I am happy, I'm heading to Boston, I get to go to Fenway tomorrow, I go to Houston next week. I'm the happiest I've been in a long time." She said as she turned onto the highway. 

"And you get to see me right?" He asked and she couldn't help but laugh. "Yes and I get to see you. Do you want me to sleep in the guest bedroom tonight? What time do you think you'll be home?" She asked. 

She was already starting to feel like a WAG and secretly, she loved it. But her and JD weren't dating, not yet anyway. "I'm going to be home super late, I really don't care where you sleep, but I would love to come home and snuggle into bed with you. But if you're not ready for that, don't worry about it." He said. 

She loved how slow she was going with everything, because of the fact that she was still with Brandon, but he wasn't afraid to tell her how he felt. "I guess you'll have to wait and see when you get home, play good tonight and I'll talk to you soon JD." She said. 

"Alright, please drive safe and at least text me when you get to my apartment, see you soon." He said and they hung up. She felt a sense of safe and security with JD, she never felt that with Brandon. 

Amanda's heart was with Brandon for the long haul since they had been together for four years, but she couldn't take the cheating anymore and the not trusting. JD came into the picture and she's been feeling like she's on cloud nine the way that he treats her. 

She sighed and she got on the highway to head to Boston, what will her heart decide? Or will she let her head decide? JD or Brandon?

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