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Ah the month of May, it's so great to have Spring Time back and and today is Patrick's birthday! We were in Chicago and we were also having a mini gender reveal today with the guys and some of the wives. 

"Good Morning my birthday boy!" I said as Patrick woke up and made his presence known in the hotel room. Travelling with him does get tedious at times, but I would trade spending time with him for the world. 

"Momma!" He yelled out with the biggest smile as I was getting him ready for the day. "Yeah buddy I am momma! We're having a little party today with all your uncles and some of your aunties too and we're finding out if you're going to have a baby brother or sister." 

"Dada!" He said and I smiled. "Good job buddy! Momma and Dada!" I said and just then JD came into the room with our breakfast. "Ah dad's favorite little man is up. Happy Birthday buddy!" He said as he set down the food as I was putting Patrick down and hugged Patrick as he came running over to him. 

"Daddy got you some M&M pancakes for your birthday and some bacon too." "Oh joy all the sweets today." I said with a laugh and JD smiled up at me as he was still crouching down and hugging Patrick. 

"Eh, it's his birthday, let him live a little." He said coming over and giving me a kiss. "I mean you're right. But if he's all jacked up on sugar, he's your son today, not mine." I said with a laugh going into the bathroom getting ready for the day. 

"Pregnancy suits you so well

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"Pregnancy suits you so well. I would have millions of babies with you." JD said as I came out of the bathroom. "I would have more too if they didn't destroy my body, maybe we can have one more after this little one." 

"That sounds like music to my ears." JD said and I smiled at him as he went into the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead. I got Patrick's gifts ready and we went down the big ballroom the had here at the hotel and it was set up with the theme we chose, It's a One-Derful World, it's a travel themed party since Patrick has been travelling with us everywhere this past year. 

"Everything look so good!" Erin said as she walked into the ballroom with Jackie, Emerson and little Jackie. 

"Girl I can't believe you're pregnant too." I said to her as I hugged her. "I know it came as a surprise to us too. But we can't wait to meet her, it's the year of the girls, with me and Chelsea, I am really hoping you're having a girl too." 

"I know, we are too, I think if we have a girl we will be done, but JD this morning said he wants a lot and I think even if we have a girl we might have one more." I said and then JD came in with Patrick whose eyes lit up at all the balloons. 

"Wow babe, you really outdid yourself with this one." JD said coming up to me and Erin. "I have a talent for planning birthday parties with themes. This is just the beginning." I said taking Patrick from him and showing him around the room. 

The party went on and after we did cake and presents, it was time to find out if JD and I were having a girl or a boy. "Alright, first off, we want to thank everyone for coming out today for Patrick's first birthday, we can't believe that he is one already. But now it's time for the fun part, we all know that Amanda is pregnant, so let's find out if Patrick is getting a sister or a brother. 

We weren't doing anything fancy like powder this time since we were inside, we were just opening a box that had either blue or pink balloons inside. Everyone counted down from five and then we opening the box and pink balloons came flying out. 

"Oh it's a girl!" I said giving JD a hug. "I can't wait to be a girl dad." He said and then Erin handed me Patrick. "Look Patrick, you're going to have a sister in a few months!" I said and he smiled as he was playing with the balloons. 

"I love you Amanda, more than you could ever imagine." He said leaning down and giving me a kiss. "I think I know how that feels, I love you too JD, more than anything." 

jdmartinez28: we're having a GIRL! Baby girl coming September, also happy first birthday Patrick Asher! I can't believe we are already celebrating your first birthday, it seems like just yesterday you came into this world. I love you buddy! 

amandamartinez: Happy First Birthday Patrick Asher! I couldn't imagine life without you this past year, you have brough your daddy and I so much joy and we can't wait to watch you become a big brother to your SISTER! Baby girl, you are so loved by the three of us and we can't wait for you to get here and make our family whole.

amandamartinez: Happy First Birthday Patrick Asher! I couldn't imagine life without you this past year, you have brough your daddy and I so much joy and we can't wait to watch you become a big brother to your SISTER! Baby girl, you are so loved by...

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