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Renata took Velvette to her room, she wanted Velvette to sleep with her so she could monitor her stab wound, because Akira and she were studying medicine, they wanted to become doctors. She cuddled Velvette whilst she slept.

Rosa, Beatrice, and Akira all slept in separate rooms, Meredith and Alastair slept in the master bedroom with a queen-sized bed.

A loud glass break came from the kitchen, Beatrice woke up to the darkness of the house and at night, he stood still listening for another noise, to make sure she wasn't hearing things, she then heard another loud glass shatter that came from the kitchen. Beatrice had a nightmare just moments before waking up, a nightmare about a woman, that woman was naked, or not fully, she wore a long short sleeve white t-shirt that covered her private parts, with all white skin, not skin but a coat covering her skin, that white coat was the ashes of the souls burning in hell.

She had long black curly hair. Beatrice got up from her bed and walked slowly towards the door, she got to the door and opened it slowly, she walked into the hallway and to the kitchen which is where she heard the noise from, she walked in the darkness and upon entering the room she flicked the light switch on, seeing the broken glass on the ground, Beatrice looked around suspiciously, she then got the broom and dustpan and started cleaning it up, then she went over and started throwing it away in the trash can.

She put the broom and dustpan back and walked out of the room, turning the light switch back off, she walked back to her room, but she had this gut feeling that came out of nowhere, a feeling that she couldn't ignore, she decided to follow this feeling. She began walking, she then heard a voice in her head, it told her to go to the forbidden room, which she did.

She walked to the room standing before the door, she reached out and opened the door, she saw an entirely black room, darkness, but before she was a giant wolf? That giant wolf had white fur, but it was a giant spirit, with long sharp teeth, the whole wolf was white, with black in the tiniest crevices of the wolf, a huge gust of wind blowing her hair back, but before shutting the door she saw the woman at the center of the wolf, the woman from her nightmare.

Beatrice shut the door and turned around.

"Beatrice? What are you doing up, next to that door of all places," Akira asked suspiciously.

"I had to use the restroom," she said, hoping Akira would buy it, but he didn't.

"Stop lying, you opened that door didn't you? What did you see?" He asked.


"You're lying."

"Whatever, I'm going back to bed," Beatrice said. As she was walking past Akira she had this sudden urge to attack him, which she did, she formed a fist in her right hand then suddenly threw it and aimed it at his face. Akira swiftly dodged it and went behind her and put her in a headlock, putting her to sleep.

Akira dragged her to her bedroom and laid her down in her bed, he put his arms over his head then lifted his head looking at the ceiling, then gasped. He put his arms down and leveled his head, Akira then turned around and saw her, the demon, the demon that was naked with the white oversized t-shirt, and the long black curly hair.

Suddenly Akira got lifted off his feet and was floating into the air, she then lifted her right arm, held out her fingers, and pointed, shooting a concentrated magical beam, sending Akira flying into the ceiling then falling to the ground. Akira grunted and got up slowly.

He looked at the demon girl, there was a white and black aura coming from her hands, whilst she was making hand movements, she then put both of her hands on the ground, the white and black aura spread across the entire ground, she got up then disappeared. Akira looked around confusingly, looking for what she had just done. He then ran out to the hallway but he still couldn't find her.

Darkness: Land of Nightmares Where stories live. Discover now