Chapter 1

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I beat down yet another opponent in a spar and looked to my Master: Mace Windu with a smile, looking for any sign of approval but only received a cold look. I looked through the force and saw no emotion. I frowned a little looking at the floor as he walked over, "well done Ahsoka, you did good," Master Windu said giving her a hand which she willingly took and was pulled up. I smiled at my spar partner and she smiled back but I was given a glare from Master Windu. I dropped my smile and he left the room, "hey, you okay?" Ahsoka asked putting a hand on my shoulder "yeah I'm fine, why do you ask?" I replied "you seem troubled by something," she said making me chuckle lightly "you know me more than you should, you know that right?" I said. I heard a giggle come from her which she obviously didn't want me to hear due to the embarrassment she had afterwards. I walked out of the room and went to lunch.

Once I got my tray I spotted my new brother-in-law Anakin Skywalker sitting alone in the corner. I walked over to him smiling a little, "sup man," I said "mind if I sit here?" I asked "go ahead, how was your duel with Ahsoka?" Anakin replied "it was good, she's gotten a lot better since she became you padawan," I stated sitting down. I began eating and noticed Anakin was just watching me, "what?" I asked "it's just their is something about you, something that you're hiding," he replied confusing me "what are you talking about?" "you may not even know it but you have a secret," he explained as I finished my food, I nodded and left. 

I went to the library and began studying. "Xuin, one for studying, I did not realise, you are," I looked and saw Grand Master Yoda "oh, Grand Master Yoda, how are you?" I asked "good day, it has been," he replied sitting across from me. I noticed a smile appear on his face as I began to read, I sighed and looked back up at him, "Grand Master Yoda, is it alright if I go to a planet I know Master Windu wouldn't allow?" I asked "what planet is this you speak of?" he replied "Malachor, I know we are told to avoid it but... when it was said to never go there my curiosity was heightened," I stated and could sense the conflict he had of this request "why would you like to go there? Hmm?" "to learn more about the Sith, and intern to be able to become a greater peace keeper," "go there, you may, inform Windu I will," Grand Master Yoda said. I nodded smiling a little and he walked out of the room. I walked out of the library once I was done reading and soon to the entrance of the temple. "Xuin, are the rumours true?" Ahsoka asked from behind me "which rumours?" I replied leaning on the small wall "of you planning on going to Malachor," "yea, they're true," I stated and could tell she was both shocked and annoyed/mad without having to look at her. "Can you tell me the reason?" Ahsoka asked walking over and hugging me "the truth? or what I told the grand master?" I replied "you lied to Grand Master Yoda?" Ahsoka asked and I nodded. 

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