Chapter 5

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I woke up and looked around to see Ahsoka getting dressed, "forgot you stayed in my quarters last night," I said standing up and she turned to look at me "I don't think that it'll be yours soon though," Ahsoka stated "I'll be fine, even if I'm kicked out I can just as easily get them thrown in jail," I replied pulling her close "how?" "you honestly believe I haven't got things I can use as blackmail?" "please don't blackmail the council," Ahsoka said looking worried "I'm not being serious, don't worry," I replied. My communicator began ringing and I quickly picked up to see it's Padme, "please don't tell me it's true," she said "maybe say what it is you're worried about and I can confirm or deny it," I replied "that you're a Sith, Mace Windu found a red lightsaber and-" "no, I'm not a Sith. Although... I've been needing to ask you something," "what is it?" "am I adopted?" "yes, you were given to us by Mace Windu and he said that when it was the right time you'd train in the ways of the force," Padme replied. I began crying and Ahsoka almost instantly hugged me. Padme hung up and it was almost completely silent.

Once I finished crying Ahsoka and I left for breakfast. We arrived in the hall and almost everyone stared at us... or more likely me. "I heard he's a Sith," someone whispered "I heard he attacked Master Kenobi," another person whispered. "The day I become a Sith is the day Darth Nihilus is resurrected," I growled and everyone went quiet "who's Darth Nihilus?" Ahsoka asked "a Sith Lord who could devour entire worlds, he was so powerful in the dark side that his organs, flesh and bones were sucked away," I explained as we got our food trays. "Kill them, kill them all," Darth Revan ordered and started trying to take over my mind, which was incredibly painful. I dropped my tray and fell to the ground "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I yelled. "Xuin? Xuin?!" I heard Ahsoka yell, but barely, it felt as if I was no longer in control of my own body which is likely because I was. I blacked out and the last thing I saw was Ahsoka shaking me with worry on her face.

"W-Where am I?" I asked and tried to sit up but couldn't. "What the-" I said as I saw I was chained to a metal table. "Xuin, why would you do that?" I heard Windu ask, I looked around and saw him standing in the doorway "do what?" I asked "you attacked everything that moved, you used force lightning and we now have 50 padawan and knights being treated. All because of you," he said as if it's all my fault "it wasn't me though!" I yelled "how can I believe you? You've been nothing but a loose cannon the last few days," "I thought you trusted me, like I'm meant to trust you," I snarled "you've been acting like this since Malachor, what happened their?" "I already told you, I met Darth Revan and now he's in my head," "you show me respect, I am a jedi master," "respect isn't demanded it's earned, if you were a good person you'd know that," I replied. "You are going to jail for what you've done," he said and my eyes widened "do you not care? Have you ever cared?" I asked but he ignored the question "ANSWER ME!" I yelled "I will not answer you when you are angered," Windu replied "of course, you made your choice years ago," I stated. He showed some shackles and removed the chains. He almost instantly put the chains on and I could see his eyes were cold, as always. "I hope you know that any evil in me is your fault," I said and began walking. I tried using the force but nothing, "these shackles disconnect you from the force," he said "of course they do, because you don't think I'll be civil," I growled "I don't think, I know," "maybe try being treated with neglect for years, you're so disconnected from your emotions that you have no compassion," I replied. I was brought to a ship that is clearly heavily armoured, "do I not even get I trial?" I asked "your trial has already been complete, you're a failure and nothing more," Windu replied bringing me onto the ship. I looked around as I was brought to the back end of the ship, I was chained to the wall and heard footsteps. "Execute order 66," a raspy voice muttered, and that's when I heard a blaster being heated up and it was fired. 

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