Chapter 3

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I just got back into my living quarters to find Ahsoka sat on my bed waiting. "Ahsoka? Why are you in here?" I asked walking over to my desk and putting all three lightsabers on it "I wanted to be here when you got back, hey where did you get these other lightsabers?" "I... I found them when I was exploring the Sith temple," I lied "you went to a Sith temple?!" we turned around to see Padme stood there looking furious "sorry, I-I just wanted to learn more," I said as she walked over to me. She slapped the back of my head and I just walked over to my bed and sat down, "why does Master Windu treat me like a youngling?" I asked. I felt the bed get heavier on both sides of me and I looked to see Ahsoka and Padme sitting next to me, "he's probably just concerned for your safety, he is your master after all," Ahsoka said as I rested my head on her shoulder. 

When Ahsoka left I saw Padme had a smirk on her face, "what's with that look?" I asked "it's so obvious that you have feelings for her," she stated "what are you talking about?" "you know, romantically, it's so obvious!" "I don't, she's just a friend. Well... my best friend to be specific," I replied laying my head on my pillow. Padme left and I tried to sleep, but couldn't.

I groaned and stood up, grabbing my lightsaber and communicator and left the temple. I walked through the streets of Coruscant until I found a diner. I checked how many credits I have and walked inside, I sat down and a waiter walked over. I ordered, paid and they left. I heard aggressive talking turn to shouting and I looked to see two guys holding blasters to the owner. "I'd put those weapons down if I were you," I snarled standing up and slowly walking over "and why should we listen to you boy?" one of them snickered making me smirk a little "because I'm not any ordinary boy," I replied taking out my lightsaber and activating it. I saw the fear on their faces and they froze, "now drop 'em, and leave," I ordered and they immediately did it. I deactivated my lightsaber and sat back down as if nothing happened. I knew people were staring at me and my food was brought to the table, "thank you," I said and began eating. 

When I got back to the temple I saw Master Windu was stood at the entrance, "where were you?" he asked "I was on a walk Master, I couldn't sleep," I replied which is half true. "Get to bed, and I don't want to catch you outside of the temple without my permission again," he ordered and I walked to my living quarters, close to tears for most of the journey. "Xuin, you alright?" Ahsoka asked from her doorway as I walked through the hall that leads to both our quarters "Master Windu has told me that I'm not allowed out of the temple without his permission," I explained and she hugged me. I almost immediately hugged back and started to cry. "Why aren't I good enough?" I asked in a whisper "you are good enough, why would you think that?" Ahsoka replied "Master Windu makes it obvious that I'm not," I said and hugged tighter. "Ahsoka, Xuin, look at me, now," we heard Master Windu ordered, we looked at him and saw him holding one of Darth Revan's lightsabers, the red lightsaber to be exact which worried me as I knew what he was accusing, "what. is. this?" he asked and activated it. I could sense his disappointment and Ahsoka's shock, I didn't speak "just as I thought, you are one with the dark side, aren't you," Master Windu said shocking me. I fell to my knees and continued crying, I heard footsteps and saw Master Windu leaving. I felt arms wrap around my neck, "I know you're not a Sith, don't worry, I'm on your side," Ahsoka whispered as I began shaking "not even my own master believes me," I said crying harder.

Ahsoka had brought me into my living quarters when I had stopped shaking and for the most part crying. I walked over to my desk and picked up the purple lightsaber, "why would Master Windu only show the red one?" I asked "maybe he's testing you?" Ahsoka suggested "I doubt it, he's never cared about me, only turning me into the ultimate jedi," I replied as I went and sat down on my bed "isn't that his job?" "you try having a master who's disconnected to emotion, then see how you like it," "he shows care towards me and the other padawans," "that's part of the problem, he's always shown more care and interest in the other padawans, while he's only ever treated me with neglect," I explained. I looked directly into Ahsoka's eyes as she sat down next to me, I put my arm around her and she rested her head on my shoulder. I smiled looking down at her and we soon fell asleep. 

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