Chapter 10

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I woke up pretty much in a pool of my own tears for the 29th time since Ahsoka left. I haven't left my quarters for anything since either. 

I heard a knock on the door and used the force to open it and Master Kenobi walked in. "Padawan, you need to eat," he sighed seeing all the trays of food he's left me on my desk and seeing I haven't eaten or drunk a thing either "why?" I asked "because you'll die otherwise," he replied "I can support myself through the force," I mumbled. "This is because you miss Ahsoka, isn't it?" he asked "yep, I understand why she left. I'm really worried about her, like, she hasn't known anything other than the jedi order. I'm scared that she won't be able to live," I explained "we can go talk to the jedi high council about checking on her," he suggested "they won't care, apart from you and Master Plo nobody on that council cares," I replied "no harm in trying, and if not we'll go find and check on her anyway," Master Kenobi said putting a hand on my shoulder. I turned over and got out of bed, "but you should probably shower first," he stated "probably, can I be completely honest about when I last properly spoke to Master Windu?" I asked "of course," "I used force lightning on him," I admitted "you what?!" "I was mad at him," I defended "mad?" "okay I was infuriated, and I may or may not have wanted to go destroy half of Coruscant," I said.

Once I had showered and got into clean robes Master Kenobi and I walked to the high council chamber. "Let me do the talking, and try to stay calm," he ordered as we got to the door. We went in and I could sense confusion as to why I'm here, "Master Kenobi, why have you brought Padawan Amidala with you? I didn't know we summoned him," Master Ti asked "we would like to talk to you about checking on Ahso- I mean Former Padawan Tano," Master Kenobi explained "might I why? She is not of our concern anymore," Master Mundi asked angering me "why shouldn't we? Aren't jedi supposed to be compassionate?" I asked "Padawan, please, the masters are talking," Master Fisto said in a demeaning tone "correct, Padawan Amidala is, check on her you will. Bring Master Windu with you, you will," Master Yoda stated making me smile for the first time in almost a month "why must I go?" Master Windu asked and I could see a couple scorch marks still on his face "your padawan, he is," Master Yoda replied "may we bring Anakin with us? I know he misses Ahsoka," I asked, Master Yoda nodded and we left. 

The four of us got onto a ship and I knew Anakin was as excited as me. "Padawan, may I ask why you haven't come to training over the last month?" Master Windu asked "if you need me to tell you, then you clearly shouldn't be on the high council," I replied "tell me Padawan, now," he ordered "what do you think?! You drove away my best friend!" I yelled which is a half lie "that is not an excuse," he argued "how about the fact I've been miserable since? Master Kenobi cared enough to come check in on me every day, he gave me food and granted, I didn't have a single bite but it's the thought that I'm grateful for. You couldn't care less, you treated the whole ordeal like some test! Then you said that you think it would do me good to have Ahsoka gone, well it clearly isn't. You said that she's none of our concern anymore, well guess what, it is. You kicked her out, let her get tried in a corrupt court KNOWING SHE WOULD DIE!!" I yelled beginning to cry "you never even had the decency to apologise," I walked to the back of the ship and just sat down waiting for the journey to end. 

We arrived on Onderon to look for Lux. As if Ahsoka went anywhere off of Coruscant she'd come here. 

We landed outside his home and once we were off the ship I saw him. "Lux, is Ahsoka here?" I asked running over to him "no, she left a few weeks ago," he replied "okay, thanks man!" I replied and ran back to the others "Padawan wait, this... Lux might know where she went," Master Windu said "I know where she would have gone. Shilli," I argued and ran to the ship. 

We arrived on Shilli and all began using the force to try and locate her. We found a faint force signature and Anakin and I both recognised it as Ahsoka. The ship landed in a clearing near it and I went to run towards the location. "Padawan, wait, shouldn't we take speeders?" Master Windu asked "you can, but I can go quicker than one," I replied and used the force to run at speeds not possible on a speeder. I soon got to a cabin and waited for the others. Once they arrived I knocked on the door, "nothing," I sighed "I'll have a look for any windows," Master Windu stated and began walking around. It didn't take long before he had come back, "she's on the floor sleeping, we can leave now knowing she's safe" he stated. I knocked the door down anyway and ran over to her, "Ahsoka?!" I exclaimed seeing the colour gone from her face and lekku. I pulled her into my arms and lap, "Master, go get her some food and me a medical kit," I said "why? She's alive," he asked "she's starving, and injured. Ahsoka won't have long left if she isn't treated," I growled "SO GO GET WHAT I NEED!!" I yelled, he was taken aback, likely by how protective I'm being, and left to get her food. I put a hand on hers and felt tears forming at the thought of losing her permanently. 

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