Chapter 9

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"Hey Sis," I said as I saw Padmè walking through the temple halls "hello Xuin, how is your day going?" She replied "good, you?" "I'm doing good thank you, but I would be better if you told me how you and Ahsoka are doing relationship wise," Padmè stated and so I just made a heart with my hands and saw her face light up even more. I waved to her and left.

It has been about two days since I completed my punishment and things have been pretty easy going.

That's when I heard a loud explosion, I ran in the direction of be noise and saw many dead jedi and lots of debri. "Padawan! What happened?!" I turned around and saw Master Windu running over "I'm unsure, likely a bomb," I replied. "This must be discussed among the council, come with me my Padawan," Master Windu ordered, I nodded and we went to the high council's chamber.

We arrived and I could see the entire council was now present, no holograms. "Any idea on who could have done it?" Master Kenobi asked "it could have been a droid? It's happened before," I suggested "maybe, but I doubt it. Can we get Skywalker in here?" Master Ti asked "I'll get him," I replied and ran off.

I got back with Anakin, and Ahsoka because she wanted to come along too, "Skywalker, Padawan, I assume you know why you're here?" Master Mundi asked "yes masters, the temple bombing," Anakin replied, getting a few nods. "Who would bomb such a sacred place? It doesn't make sense," Ahsoka said "we have to look at all the possibilities, even a jedi could have done it," Master Windu stated "agree I do, find this terrorist we must," Master Yoda said "and you want us to investigate?" Anakin asked "yes, the three of you will search for this perpetrator," Master Windu replied, I nodded and the three of us left.

"Ahsoka, are you alright?" I asked noticing the look on her face "yeah I'm fine, why are you asking?" She replied "you don't look alright," I said "I'm just worried, what if this person attacks again?" Ahsoka asked. I quickly looked into the force and sensed fear and panic in her, "hey, it's okay, would you mind giving us a second Anakin?" I asked "sure thing," he replied and walked off. Once we were alone I pulled Ahsoka into an embrace and could feel her shaking, "we could get spotted! What are you doing?!" Ahsola whisper-yelled "I don't care, you're scared and panicking, I'm not just going to leave you in that state," I replied tightening the hug and I could see she was blushing like crazy. She buried her face in my chest as I could hear her crying, "you're amazing," she whispered "you're afraid of losing me, aren't you?" I asked "wha- how would you-" "I'm not only your boyfriend but I'm also a jedi, and a strong one at that," I whispered "Padawans, why aren't you searching for the terrorist?" I looked to the left and saw Master Mundi stood there "Ahsoka is upset, so I'm doing my best to comfort her like any good friend," I half lied "I hope you know attachments are forbidden in the jedi order," he replied "yes, we know," I huffed and he walked off. "Come on, we better start," Ahsoka said pulling out of the hug "okay," I replied and we walked to the crime scene.

We arrived and used a droid to have a look at what happened. I noticed nanotechnology on the floor by a box. "Is this the bomb?" I asked the hologram played backwards and it was indeed that box. "Go back in the day and have a look at who put it here," Ahsoka ordered, after about five minutes of rewinding we found the point in time when it was placed here. We looked closely and found it was an orange skinned togruta. "This... helps," I commented "yep, we just need to look at all the orange skinned togruta in the temple at the time," Ahsoka replied.

We went to the archives and began researching. It didn't take long before I found that there was only three, I looked at the markings and they were... Ahsoka's markings on the perpetrator. "Ahsoka," I said looking at her "yeah?" She asked "the markings on the perpetrator are the same as yours," I stated, I looked into her eyes as they widened and intern proving to me she had nothing to do with it. Not that I doubted her at all. "Someone's framing me," Ahsoka mumbled "I know, and I'll kill whoever it is," I growled.

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