Chapter 4

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I woke up laying down, with Ahsoka sleeping on top of me... I lightly shook her which easily woke her up. "Xuin? Why are you in my quarters?" Ahsoka asked as she opened her eyes, "I'm not, you fell asleep in mine," I replied with a light chuckle. I wrapped my arms around Ahsoka and pulled her face closer to mine, "this is nice," Ahsoka commented as I watched her snuggle into me "I know," I replied. I heard a noise and looked to see Ahsoka's communicator on my desk, "you better answer it," I said standing up and walked to the other side of the room as to be out of sight. Ahsoka answered and Anakin appeared, "Ahsoka, have you heard the news about Xuin?" Anakin asked "yeah, I have," she replied "you don't seriously believe it do you?" Ahsoka added "I don't know, I just don't want you getting yourself into any danger by looking for any evidence against the accusations," Anakin stated as I leant against the wall. "Alright I gotta go, oh! And please at least try to stay away from Xuin, if he really has turned then he'll be dangerous," Anakin said and ended the call. I walked back over and hugged her, "I'm so sorry," I whispered as she hugged back "for what?" "for dragging you into this mess, I shouldn't have," I explained. I suddenly felt the urge of something... I looked around the room and saw Darth Revan again, my eyes widened but Ahsoka had luckily just dug her face into my chest. "She cannot see or hear me, you are the only one who can see and hear me right now. I will do my best to get you out of this, good luck... my friend," he said and disappeared. I looked back down at Ahsoka and smiled, "you know how the jedi aren't meant to form strong attachments?" I said getting her attention "yeah? What about that rule?" "would you like to break it?" I whispered. I could sense her confusion and smirked, "would you like me to just show you what I mean?" I asked and got a nod. I cupped her cheek and smashed our lips together. When I pulled away I saw the shock on her face, "you okay?" I asked "y-yeah, I'm just surprised," Ahsoka replied as we stared into each other's eyes.

We walked through the halls of the jedi temple. Everyone avoiding me as they've likely heard the news, "I can't believe that they would all just turn on you like this," Ahsoka commented "I can, but they just don't know the whole truth," I said confusing her a little "what do you mean? What is the whole truth?" "Ahsoka, I've been seeing a... Sith Lord," I stated "what?! Who?!" "his name is Darth Revan and he gave me his lightsabers, I met him when I was in the Sith temple. He appeared from a cloud of smoke and spoke to me as if he was my friend, and then earlier today he called me his friend," I explained. I took out the purple lightsaber and held it out to Ahsoka "here, I want you to have it, the jedi council have likely already made their decision," I said as I saw tears in her eyes. "Ahsoka, I thought I told you to stay away from him," we heard Anakin say, we looked around and saw him walking towards us "and what am I going to do? If I was a Sith it would be foolish to attack her, considering how many powerful jedi are around," I replied "I never thought that you of all people would turn on me when the smallest sight of me being a Sith comes along," I added. I could sense his shame and began to walk off, "here, it was never mine," I said and threw the lightsaber to Ahsoka which she caught.

Several Jedi sentinels walked up to me as I walked towards the jedi council chambers, "Xuin, you need to come with us, don't make us use force," one threatened "you can't use the force," I replied but was slowly lifted into the air. "No, but I can," I heard Master Kenobi say, he let me go and I turned around to see him. "Kill him Xuin, do it," I heard the voice of Darth Revan command "no! I won't!" I yelled as I fell to my knees "follow my will, I am stronger than you, you are just a boy," he said "NO! I won't listen to you!" I cried out "that's it, give into your anger," "I won't!" I could sense the confusion in Kenobi and the sentinels. I felt something building inside me and when I let it go everything around me was damaged. I looked around and saw I had damaged most things, and sent Master Kenobi and the sentinels to the ground. I began running and quickly got to the door just outside of the council's chambers. I walked through and saw that all but Kenobi were in the room. "What are you doing here Xuin?" Master Windu asked in a cold tone "to tell you the truth, and what happened on Malachor," I said looking into the eyes of my master, furious that he of all people would accuse me of being a Sith. "The lightsaber that Master Windu found in my quarters is that of a Sith, not me but Darth Revan, he said that we have a connection and gave me his lightsabers. I also find it strange that you would only take a look at the red one, and ignore the other lightsaber," I said "do not question me, the only reason you are here is because I took you in and gave you to your mother," Master Windu stated "I will question you actually, all I've wanted over the years is any sign of approval from you but you gave me nothing but neglect, I'd say you were cold but-" "Xuin, stop talking, you must," Grand Master Yoda ordered. I looked at him as I tried calming down, "why should I? This council has brought me very little happiness and acceptance," I replied. I could tell I shocked the other masters when I spoke back to him, "filled with rage you are, clouded your judgement has become," "well when you have a Sith Lord stuck in your head and have been accused of being a Sith by the one person you look up to wouldn't you?" I snarled. I could tell that they were all tempted to use force judgement on me, which is fair, "what? You gonna use force judgement? I'm being kicked out of the order no matter what happens so you might as well," "no, we won't," Windu replied. I looked at my master, "you know that creature that was supposedly sleeping against the Sith temple?" I asked "I remember," he said "it was already dead, it charged at me and I used a dark side ability to defend myself," I stated "which one?" Master Plo asked "choke," I knew this angered several masters. I looked around and saw that Yoda and Mace Windu were the two who were calm. I heard footsteps and looked to see Kenobi walking in, holding his side. "Master Kenobi, what happened?" Windu asked "Xuin, he released a wave of force energy," Kenobi explained. I heard the activation of a lightsaber and looked to see several of the masters had gotten out their lightsabers, "is this really a fight you wanna have?" I asked grabbing my own but didn't activate it "If that is what it comes down to, then so be it," Windu stated standing up and activating his lightsaber. "I won't fight you," I said and left the room.

I spotted Ahsoka at the entrance of the jedi temple and walked up and I hugged her from behind, "hey, how you been?" I asked "not good, I heard about what happened with you and Kenobi," Ahsoka replied. "The masters pulled their lightsabers out on me," I stated and she turned around, "really?! How are you still here to tell the tale?!" She exclaimed hugging back "because I didn't fight them, not that most of them could stand a chance anyway," I said kissing her forehead. "I've been thinking about what happened this morning, about... the kiss," she said "I think we should be attached to one another in that sense," Ahsoka added making me smile. "We have to keep it a secret don't we?" I asked "yeah, we do, even from our masters," she said digging her face into my chest "I don't think Windu even wants me to be part of the order anymore," I replied rubbing her back. We heard footsteps and looked to see Obi-wan and Anakin walking towards us looking mad "what did you do?!" Anakin yelled grabbing me by my robe and shoving me against the small wall, "I don't know what you're talking about," I snarled "you pulled your lightsaber out on the council!" He yelled "I didn't! You don't know anything about what did and didn't happen!" I yelled back. Anakin activated his lightsaber and put it to my neck, "you're going to die for what you've done," he snarled. I could sense the worry in Ahsoka and growled, "what would Padme think about this? That her brother was killed by her own husband?" I whispered knowing it would pull a string. He stopped and backed off "what did you say to him?" Ahsoka asked walking over to me "just something I knew would get him to back off," I replied. I stood back up and watched Anakin leave, but Obi-Wan walked over "I never got a chance to apologise before, sorry about what happened in the hall," I said "I came to ask if you were alright after what happened in the council's chamber," he chuckled "yeah I'm fine, just mad at Windu," I replied. "Ah, Master Kenobi, good to see you. Ahsoka, Xuin, it's an honour to finally meet you," we looked and saw Chancellor Palpatine walking towards us "Chancellor, what are you doing here?" I asked "I heard about your little adventure to Malachor, what did you find? if you don't mind me asking," he asked "I found Darth Revan's lightsabers, and some scripts," I answered. I sensed something off but decided to ignore it, "what are they about?" "mostly about the force, one about the line of Sith and the final about the dark side force abilities," I looked at Ahsoka and frowned "what's wrong Xuin?" Kenobi asked "it's just that... I used a dark side ability," I stated. I could have sworn I saw a small smirk on Palpatine's face. "Why?" Ahsoka asked "I was defending myself and my lightsaber wouldn't work so when I was cornered I crushed it's throat," I explained.

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