Chapter 7

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I woke up to my door being knocked on. I groaned getting out of bed, quickly getting dressed and opening my door to see Master Plo stood there. "Master Plo, what are you doing here?" I asked "I heard about your first class yesterday, I came to ask how you feel it went?" he stated "it went well, they seemed really curious about my lightsaber," I replied "that is good, how do you think they will do as jedi?" "I cannot be certain, as I haven't been on any missions I wouldn't know what makes a good jedi," "alright, I'll leave you be," he said and began walking off. "Do you know the reason I haven't been on any missions?" I asked "that is a question for the high council to answer," Master Plo replied "but aren't you on the high council? Can't you tell me?" "I wasn't on the high council when the choice was made, so I am unaware," I nodded and he left.

I grabbed my lightsabers and communicator before making my way to Ahsoka's quarters. When I got to hers I knocked and it didn't take long for the door to open, which revealed Ahsoka in nothing but... one of my robes? "Ahsoka? Why are you-" "wearing one of yours? because mine gets cold and uncomfortable but yours don't," she said finishing my sentence and answering my question. I smiled looking down into my girlfriend's eyes and pulled her into a kiss. Although it was amazing it was cut short when Ahsoka pushed me off, "what's wrong?" I asked "not in public, you're lucky you got away with the punishment you got, I don't want us to be kicked out of the order because of our relationship," she explained. "Screw the rules, I love you and nothing can ever change that," I said and gently squeezed her butt "hey, not yet," Ahsoka giggled taking me hand off it. She pulled me in and closed the door, "now we can do this," she said and pulled me into a make out session. I heard her quietly moan and I picked her up and pushed her against the wall.

When we stopped I noticed my communicator was going off. I put Ahsoka down and answered without her being able to be seen. Which showed Master Windu, "Master Windu, what is it?" I asked "I need you to go on a mission, I will be accompanying you along with Skywalker and his Padawan," he stated. I smiled brightly "yes Master, where am I meeting you?" I asked "at the ship port," Master Windu replied and hung up. "My first mission! Finally!" I exclaimed "wait... you've never been on a mission and this good?" Ahsoka asked "what do you mean?" "you're skilled with a lightsaber to the point of being equal to Anakin and they've never sent you on a mission," "get dressed properly and let's go already!" I yelled and she started getting dressed properly. I looked away while she did despite the urges to look.

We went to where we were meant to go and saw them waiting. "Master-" "let's go, no time for formalities," Master Windu said interrupting Ahsoka. We all got onto the ship and while our masters and Captain Rex discussed the plan Ahsoka and I began talking at the back of the ship, "so what's it like being a teacher?" she asked "I thought I told you last night," "you didn't, I didn't see you once last night," "it might have been Master Secura then, well it was alright," I replied smirking when I saw her annoyed look. "Padawans, be serious, come over here and we will discuss our plan of attack," Master Windu ordered, we walked over and I saw a lady with a red lightsaber "who's that?" I asked "Ventress, she's a Sith assassin," Anakin replied. I looked at my belt and got an idea, "what if I disguise myself as a Sith?" I suggested "and how would you do that? Not to mention if they find your lightsaber then-" I cut Captain Rex off by taking out and activating Revan's red lightsaber. I deactivated it and smirked, "surprised?" I asked with a chuckle "very," he replied I looked at Ahsoka, "it's too dangerous! No way!" she argued "I'll be fine, if the masters agree," "it would be helpful to have one of our own among their ranks until the mission is over," Master Windu said. "Look under the seat you were just on, there will be two things to help you on your mission," Darth Revan said, I walked off as they all began discussing the plan again and had a quick look to see a Sith robe and Darth Revan's old armour, "what in the world?" I whispered "use them, they will help you on your mission," he ordered as I picked both up "they can see them too, don't worry," Darth Revan added. I walked into a side room and quickly changed into my new attire. I walked out and all eyes were on me, "Xuin, what are you wearing?" Master Windu asked but I didn't answer. I took out my lightsaber slightly alerting them as I walked over, I passed it to Anakin "take care of it would you?" I asked finding my voice had changed "that's my voice, now you'll never be discovered," Darth Revan explained "it's still Xuin under here, my voice has just changed to match Darth Revan's," I explained. We landed far from the Separatist's base. As to not disclose my true identity. "Hey Xuin, good luck," Ahsoka said and I nodded before walking off the ship and towards the Separatist base.

As I got closer I noticed a battalion of battle droids were marching towards me, all having their weapons pointed at me. It being night helped hide me to the regular eye but the droids were able to see me due to their sensors being able to detect me. That's when they began running and firing, I activated my two lightsabers and ran at them. I used the VI form of lightsaber combat to imitate my ancestor. I destroyed all but one of the droids before what I assume is the commander or general arrived, "ah, a jedi, another lightsaber to add to my collection," they stated. I destroyed the final droid using the force before deactivating both lightsabers. I turned around to face my opponent and saw an abomination of a creature, "what even are you?" I snarled "I am General Grievous, killer of the jedi," he announced "good thing I'm not a jedi then," I replied activating both lightsabers again. "A Sith? Why was I not informed of your arrival?" Grievous asked "I can't exactly call when I'm not technically living," I replied getting into a fighting stance. I ran and jumped over the General and swung as he got out four lightsabers with his four arms. I was blocked but Grievous began swinging like a mindless killing machine. I blocked all the attacks and sent him backwards using the force, "stop this now!" I heard someone yell. I looked and Ventress stood with her weapon in hand, "General Grievous, this is Darth Revan, one of the strongest Sith Lords," she stated jumping down from where she stood. I smiled under the helmet as we began walking towards their base.

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