Chapter 2

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I landed my ship on the planet Malachor. More specifically near the ancient Sith temple. I got out of my ship and looked around and could sense the dark side around me, almost as if it's trying to engulf my very conscious.

I walked towards the temple and when I entered I activated my lightsaber to use as a light source in the dark. I frowned slightly seeing the blue blade, "what's the point? I'll never be as good as Master Windu," I said talking to myself. I continued walking and eventually found a... library? I looked around and quickly realised it's in near pristine condition. I turned off my lightsaber and walked around the ancient shelves. The second I picked up one of the many scripts I heard whispers. "The Jedi must fall," "The Sith shall rise once more," these were the two things that were distinct, "who are you? Where are you?" I asked doing my best to remain concentrated and calm. I looked around and saw some smoke, that's when a being appeared in it. "Who are you?!" I yelled "I am Darth Revan, the most powerful force user of all time," they replied "I see you seek knowledge, why would a jedi come here?" Darth Revan asked "I have my reasons, though why are you being nice to me?" "we have a connection, you are meant to be one with the dark side, to be a Sith," I stared in shock, "no! No you're lying! That's what the Sith do!" I yelled "am I? You would like to find complete balance in the force, am I correct?" "how would you know that?" "come with me and you shall find out," they said and began moving. I hesitantly followed and was lead to a door "what's through there?" I asked "open it and you'll find out," Darth Revan replied and I slowly opened it. I walked through, not letting my guard drop, and saw a desk with the hilt of an almost ancient lightsaber on it.

I walked over and picked it up, "why are you showing me this?" I asked "a curious soul, aren't you? It was my lightsaber, now activate it," they ordered and I did so. My eyes widened when I saw it was a purple lightsaber "complete balance," I commented in surprise "indeed, I wish for you to bring it with you back to the jedi temple," Darth Revan said. I looked at them shocked "it's yours, isn't it?" "if you're referring to the lightsaber, then yes, it is mine. Now go boy, and take as much knowledge as you would like," Darth Revan said and we left the room. I noticed another lightsaber on a shelf and quickly picked it up. I picked up several scrolls, the five being about the history of the force. Along with one being about Sith lightning and other Sith abilities and the final being about the line of Sith Lords.

I walked out to my ship but as I got closer I felt a presence. I looked around and saw a large scaled creature. I grabbed one of the three lightsabers on my belt and activated it, which showed me it's the purple one. The creature jumped at me and I jumped into the air as it swiped it's large claw at me. I attacked it's tail but it was completely ineffective, my eyes widened and I was thrown against the temple wall as I was hit with it's club-like tail. I slowly stood back up and tried to hold it back using the force as it charged at me, I could see it was being held back and had an idea. I slowly brought my thumb and forefinger together and when they were getting almost completely together I could sense that it's windpipe was almost completely closed. I released it before completely closing my fist and it's throat was crushed on the inside. It fell and I jumped out of the way as it crashed into the side of the temple. My eyes widened as I landed and realised what I had just done, I deactivated the lightsaber and looked at my hands. I looked up as I heard the engines of a ship, I saw Master Windu's ship and put the lightsaber away in my robe which for some reason I never took off.

He landed next to my ship and walked over to me, "you denied one of the most important things you were taught my padawan, you are lucky I arrived when I did, who knows what could have happened," Master Windu scolded being cold as always. I just nodded and looked at the ground, ashamed of what I've done. "M-Master Windu, what would you say if I defeated an opponent that is immune to lightsabers?" I asked refusing to look up "look up and speak to me, you are a jedi padawan, stand proud," he ordered completely ignoring my question and the creature laying dead against the temple wall. I looked out of the corner of my eye and stood up straight, before looking at directly. "What are you looking at?" Master Windu asked before looking in the direction I was, "that creature might wake up soon we need to leave," he ordered and began walking away "I doubt it, not unless it can get back up with a crushed throat," I said before realising what I just did. "I'm so sorry Master! I didn't mean to talk back I-" "just get in your ship, I'll decide your punishment when we get back to the jedi temple," he interrupted. I walked over to my ship and took off behind Master Windu.

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