Chapter 8

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I walked through the halls and eventually reached a room where Count Dooku was stood with his back to us. "Ventress, what is it?" Dooku asked "we have brought you a Sith, my Master," Ventress replied. Dooku turned and looked surprised by me, "Darth Revan, I thought you were dead," he said "you are not worthy of being called a Sith, give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now?" I asked walking over "I am a Sith, I can get my master to prove it," "then you've broken the rule of two," I activated one of my lightsabers and put it to his neck "Ventress, Grievous, attack him!" Dooku ordered and the pair charged at me. All three activated their lightsabers and I did the same with my second one. I blocked all hits before striking back, I quickly cut off Ventress' hand which pretty much took her out of the fight and I cut off Grievous's two right arms when I got close enough to him. Dooku attempted to use force lightning but I sent my own right back while defending from Grievous. My lightning overpowered his and he was knocked unconscious and I put all attention back on Grievous. I cut his legs out and took his dropped lightsabers. I put the now unconscious Ventress over my shoulder and began walking through the halls, "Master Windu, I have Ventress," I said through my communicator "good job my padawan, meet us at the ship," Master Windu ordered. I nodded and hung up.

I ran to the ship and when I arrived everyone was waiting for me. I put Ventress in the cell at the back of the ship and walked over to Ahsoka who was holding her shoulder, "you okay?" I asked "yeah," she replied "she was shot in the shoulder," Anakin added. My eyes widened as I pulled her close, "Padawans, stop," Master Windu ordered but I didn't listen. I took off the helmet and I felt a hand be put on my shoulder, I looked and Master Windu looked unimpressed that I was hugging Ahsoka. I stopped and Anakin gave me back my lightsaber, I smiled at Ahsoka as the masters left us be. I gave her a kiss when no one was looking as the ship took off. 

When we arrived back on Coruscant and I walked through the halls of the jedi temple with the armour still on. "Xuin, wearing armour you are, why?" Master Yoda asked when he saw me "I went undercover into the Separatist base when we captured Ventress as an ancient Sith Lord," I explained "who?" "Darth Revan... my ancestor," I could sense his surprise "Master Windu didn't tell you?" "know, I did not, suspect, yes," he said and walked off. "Xuin! Why didn't you come to class today?" the Togruta boy asked running up to me "I was on a mission, what's your name?" I replied "it's Haasgra Tano," he explained surprising me "are you aware of Ahsoka Tano?" I asked "yeah she's my big sister," he stated, I nodded and Haasgra left. 

I walked to Ahsoka's quarters and knocked on the door, it didn't take long for her to open the door. "Hey, how's your shoulder?" I asked "it's good, what are you doing here? Surely you didn't come here just to see how I'm doing," "you know me too well. Do you have a little brother called Haasgra?" I asked "yeah I do, how'd you know?" "he's in the class I'm meant to be teaching," "he's training to be a jedi?! Why didn't he tell me?!" Ahsoka exclaimed trying to run down the corridor but I stopped her when I noticed what she's wearing. "I'd suggest you get dressed first," I chuckled, "oh... right," Ahsoka replied and walked back into her quarters. I went in behind her and started sucking on her neck "oh my gosh! Don't stop," she giggled holding my head as she quietly moaned "wasn't even considering it," I replied and continued doing it. 

When I got done messing around Ahsoka got dressed and we went to talk to her younger brother. I asked Master Windu if I could leave the jedi temple and he said I could without wanting any more information which was a little surprising. "Haasgra!" Ahsoka exclaimed when she saw her brother, I smiled as he ran over and the pair embraced each other. The Tano siblings caught up as they walked with me trailing behind. "Hey Xuin! Wanna duel? Haasgra wants to watch us duel," Ahsoka asked out of nowhere "sure," I replied and we made our way to the training area.

We got our lightsabers ready and got in our starting positions. Ahsoka used both of her lightsabers to make it somewhat fair. "You ready?" I asked "yup, force allowed?" she replied "of course," I said and we began. I soon got Ahsoka on one knee but she wasn't done yet, she sent me back into the wall and put her lightsabers to each side of my neck. "Give up yet?" She asked "you should know by now, I don't give up," I replied with a smirk and sent her to the ground. I put my lightsaber to her neck and put a foot on her stomach, "I'm better than you as well," I said and helped her up.

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