Chapter 6

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"NO!" I yelled as I sat up, I looked around and noticed Ahsoka laying peacefully next to me. "Xuin? You alright?" Ahsoka asked "y-yeah, I-I'm fine," I replied as I felt her arms being wrapped around me. "You had a nightmare, didn't you?" she whispered "yeah, I did," "what was it about?" "I- I hurt 50 jedi, maybe more, and was killed by the clones. I-in the final moments I heard a raspy voice mutter 'execute order 66'," I explained. I got out of bed and picked up my lightsaber "what are you doing?" Ahsoka asked as I got dressed "I'm going to go train, wanna come along?" I asked "sure!" she exclaimed jumping up and quickly getting dressed.

We walked through the halls and I heard a voice in my head, "your nightmare wasn't just a dream," Darth Revan said "hey Ahsoka, I'll catch up with ya okay?" I said and she nodded "okay, see you in a bit!" Ahsoka yelled and ran off. "What are you talking about?" I asked "you'll find out with time, I cannot tell you everything but just know... if you want to be able to protect those you love you'll need to get much stronger," he said as I walked. Then the voice disappeared and I sensed someone walking towards me, "Xuin, where are you going? I told you that you're not allowed to leave the temple without my permission," Master Windu said from behind me "Ahsoka and I are going to be training," I explained "I just wanted to tell you your punishment has been thought through, for carrying the weapon of a Sith and going to Malachor," he stated "I understand, and Master... I've been meaning to ask you something," I replied "what is that?" "do I have a connection to a Sith? Darth Revan said that me and him are connected and I'm meant to be one with the dark side," I asked "I know I should have told you this... you are the descendant of Darth Revan, which is also why I was afraid to praise you and give meaningful advice when you failed," Master Windu stated surprising me. "So... I am meant to be a Sith," I said "by heritage, yes, but it's your choice at which path you go down," Master Windu replied, I nodded "so, what is my punishment?" I asked "you are going to be training a group of younglings, also meaning you won't have time for personal activities," Master Windu explained. He walked off and I walked in the opposite direction.

"Ahsoka! Sorry I took so long," I said as I spotted her in the same place we had our last duel "it's alright, now are we gonna train or not?" she replied. I nodded and put the necessary attachments on my lightsaber so I wouldn't slice her in half. We both got into positions ready to duel, and Ahsoka was the first to attack. While her two lightsabers gave her an advantage I hadn't even activated mine yet, "three hits win?" she suggested as I dodged several attacks "I'd say as many until we have to stop," I replied. Ahsoka smirked as she tripped me up and tapped her lightsaber against my neck, "you should really use your lightsaber," "I know," I replied using the force to get her off me. I activated my lightsaber, which I recently made a blue double ended one, and defended using the 3rd form of lightsaber combat which is mostly defensive. I saw she was beginning to slow down and I changed to the 7th form of lightsaber combat, which is the one I was originally trained in. I quickly got her to the ground and tapped my lightsaber against her stomach in a playful way. I reached out my hand and pulled her up, "morning you two," we heard Anakin say. We looked and saw he was standing in the doorway "and to think I almost got us both kicked out of the order," I whispered to Ahsoka and could see a blush forming on her face. "No need, if I reported you two then I'd be a hypocrite," he said confusing Ahsoka "what are you talking about?" Ahsoka asked "he's married to my sister," I explained clearly shocking her. I smirked and got back into a fighting position, "ready to continue?" I asked and Ahsoka also got into a fighting position "you don't have to ask me twice," she replied and we continued sparring. Ahsoka managed to get my lightsaber out of my hands and onto the floor next to Anakin, she began swinging with quite a lot of speed but I accidentally channelled the dark side of the force to dodge. I managed to make her drop one lightsaber and I quickly used the force to pull it into my hand. I used her lightsaber and got a hit on her leg, "mind if I join in?" Anakin asked as he picked up my lightsaber and passed it to me "Ahsoka? Do you mind?" I asked "nope, now give me back my lightsaber Dooshbag," Ahsoka replied and I did so. Anakin put the same attachments we did on his lightsaber and got into a fighting position "force allowed?" he asked "sure," Ahsoka and I replied. Anakin was the first to make a move and swung at both of us at once, I leapt over him and tried to attack from behind but was easily blocked. He quickly and easily took out Ahsoka and turned his full attention to me. I attempted to go down low but Anakin being Anakin jumped over and tried to attack me but was blocked. "Use my lightsaber," Darth Revan ordered but I hesitated "it currently has the necessary attachments to not cut his limbs off don't worry," he added and I took out of my robe. I saw he was being honest and smirked as I sensed the surprise in both Anakin and Ahsoka. I didn't activate however and swung at my opponent, we soon got into a lock and I activated Darth Revan's lightsaber and tapped his stomach with it. We both deactivated our lightsabers and shook hands, we removed our attachments and put them back. "You did good," I said to Ahsoka "skilled, you all are," we heard a voice say and looked to see Yoda stood watching and we all bowed in respect, "thank you Grand Master," Ahsoka said answering for all three of us. "Xuin, time for your first class it is," he said beginning to walk out, I gave Ahsoka a quick kiss and followed the Grand Master.

We walked to the training room which is very near to where I was duelling before. I was filled with memories as I looked around, "much nostalgia of this room, you have," Grand Master Yoda commented "yes, it's where I met my best friend," I replied as I sensed many beings walking towards us. "What do I teach them exactly?" I asked looking down at the Grand Master "practicing lightsaber combat, they are," he said and walked out of the room, saying hello to the younglings as he walked past them.

All the students walked in and stood in what I assume are their assigned places. "What are we learning about today sir?" one of the girls asked "please just call me Xuin, and we're going to be practicing lightsaber combat today," I replied. I could sense they were all excited but they obviously tried kept their emotions hidden, "you can show emotion when you have me as your teacher," I stated and all smiled before when one student asked something "what was that?" "are you really a Sith?" they asked "no, while I have tapped into the dark side in the past I'm a jedi," I replied. "So, have any of you chosen your form of lightsaber combat?" I asked but they all shook their heads "we're being trained in the 1st form," the Togruta boy of the group replied "okay, would you like me to show you the other six?" I asked and all but one nodded their heads. "How do we know that you know how to teach the others?" she asked "because I've mastered all but the 5th form, you don't get trained by Master Windu and get trained in a single form," I replied "who will teach us that one then?" "I can ask Master Skywalker to help with that," I chuckled. I got out both mine and Darth Revan's lightsabers, "which one would you like me to use?" I asked "the ancient one looks like it could break at any minute," the same girl snickered "fine, you've clearly made your choice," I stated as I put the same attachment as in sparring so if I accidentally drop it no one will get hurt. I activated one side of my lightsaber and got into the starting pose of the 3rd form, which is the one that Obi-wan likes to use. I looked at the rack of practice lightsabers and got an idea, "have any of you ever duelled before?" I asked and two nodded "would you two like to help me demonstrate to the class the forms?" and saw both smile eagerly. They both got practice lightsabers as I put the necessary attachments on the other side of my lightsaber and on Revan's lightsaber. "Why did you put attachments on both ends of your lightsaber?" the Togruta boy asked, I smirked and activated the other end "are you two ready?" I asked "yeah!" they both exclaimed. They got into their positions, which are both sides of me, while I deactivated one side to show them it the easiest and most fair way. "If either of you two can land a hit on me then I'll give you both a personal training session," I said and saw smiles on both of their faces. I got in the starting position and they began attacking while I defended. It took quite a bit of time before one of them got a hit on me and the other one did the same, "you both did good... and now I'd have no legs if they were real," I chuckled and deactivated my lightsaber. I sensed a presence and looked to see Anakin stood there "I hope you're not duelling them because you got bored," he joked, I glared at him which only made him smirk "don't worry, I won't tell anyone," "not the reason, I'm teaching them the forms of lightsaber combat," I replied. "Well then why don't they watch us duel?" Anakin suggested "because we'd get carried away, and you'd lose too quickly," I replied "Master Skywalker! Can we watch you duel?" The Togruta boy asked "yes, yes you may," Anakin said "as long as he doesn't pull his other lightsaber out on me like earlier," "I would never, I play fair and square!" I said.

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