Chapter 3

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(Goodness it's been awhile, hello, I'm back, maybe idk. I'm not gonna give you any of that "I lost motivation yada yada" mumbo jumbo. I'm just lazy and decided to do other things like watch tv rather than write but here I am again so enjoy ig.)

Wilbur approached the counter, pretending to read the menu even though he got the same thing every time anyways.

"Hmmmm, I'll just get my usual." He looked back down at the handsome barista before him.

Dream gave him a confused look, "And that is?"

"Dark roast." Wilbur stood straighter shoving his hands deeper into his pockets, attempting to get eye contact with the blonde.

"Alright that will be 2.99." Dream looked up at him from the register.

"Don't even have to ask my name, do you darling?" Wilbur smirked handing over 5 dollars.

"One of the patches on your coat has you name on it." Dream pointed to the patch on Wilbur's sleeve that said "Wilbur Soot".

"Oh, right." He had forgotten that was there, he had plenty of patches on his coat, he often forgot about the older ones.

"I'll call you up when your order is ready." Dream stepped away from the register to make the drink, motioning for one of the other employees, Nick, also known as Sapnap, to take his place.

"Sup, Wil. Trying to hit on Dream, huh?" Sapnap smirked leaning on the counter.

"Why on earth is he so cold to me? Am I not handsome, Sappy nap?" Wilbur pouted.

"First of all, don't call me that, ever. Secondly, he's always like that to everyone. You're not special. Now move I have a job to do and someone is waiting behind your annoying ass."

Wilbur stepped out of the way of the girl behind him, and flipped off Sapnap before finding a seat by the window.

He sighed, zoning out while watching the cars drive by and thinking about Dream. He was so out of it he didn't hear said blonde calling his name for his drink.

"Hey, since you're apparently deaf, Sapnap told me to just bring it to you." Wilbur turned to look at the 6'3 man standing above him.

"Oh, thank you. Sorry I must have zoned out." Wilbur pulled his coffee closer to himself. Now that he thought about it, why did he order a coffee? He was just here getting a coffee. Dream must think he's insane. Speaking of Dream, why is he still standing here?

Wilbur looked up at him with a questioning look. "If you're gonna stay you might as well sit." He motioned to the chair across from.

"Shit, sorry." Dream turned on his heal and walked back to the counter where the baristas worked.

Wilbur shrugged, opening his phone to see multiple texts from his room mate Quackity.


Quacktitty 🧨🖕

Bitch where r u??

Don't ignore me

I know you're there bitch

Why did you leave Tommy in our apartment all alone???


Jeez wtf dude

What did Tommy do?



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