Chapter 12

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"Wilbur, hey Wilbur. Hey, we're back home." Wilbur felt someone shake his shoulder. He opened his eyes to a blue color hovering over him. Is that a blue raspberry lollipop?

"C'mon Wil, get up." Wilbur was shoved again.

He groaned and tried burying his head into the median. Ugh, why is this pillow so hard? Wilbur opened his eyes again.

"Yes! Wilbur get up, I'm not carrying you, that time was a one time thing and you were drunk then." Wilbur groaned and sat up.

"Where am I?" He said sluggishly.

"My car, and I'm trying to get you out so we can go up to your apartment." Raylyn replied lightly tugged on Wilbur's sweater.

"Why are we going to my apartment?" Wilbur rubbed his eyes, his brain took too long to wake up.

"Because we're tired." Raylyn sighed, "Alright I'm coming around the car to get you out." They got out of the car and rounded the back opening the passenger side door.

"Ok Wil, get out the car." Raylyn grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet out of the car. "Awesome! Now let's go."

"Alright, alright." Wilbur stretched and followed as Raylyn led the way into the apartment complex and up the stairs. They arrived at the apartment and Raylyn turned expectantly to Wilbur.

"Right." Wilbur pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. They were immediately surprised to see Jack, Quackity, and Karl all standing in from the tv play Just Dance and belting "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction. They seemed to be half way through dance.

"Oh oh! Do you guys have another remote? I want to join next round!" Jack pointed to the couch where an extra wii remote was laying.

Raylyn ran over and strapped it onto his wrist, and sat down on the couch as they finished up. Quackity got first, Karl second, and Jack third.

"Alright what song now?" Karl asked huffing.

"We should do Toxic!" Raylyn suggested. (Just pretend there's a Just Dance that has every Just Dance song on it ok? Also I know this dance by heart😌)

"Oooh yes!" Karl moved the curser to Toxic and they connected all of their remotes. Wilbur sat down at the island bar on one of the stools.

They began to do the dance and Wilbur watched Raylyn as they did it. They got to the course and were all 'singing', more like just screaming, the song. Raylyn repeatedly made eye contact with Wilbur as he sang along to the song.

Wilbur chuckled assuming they were just joking around.

Raylyn continued to do that throughout the whole song. Wilbur really couldn't take his eyes off of them. The song ended and they all laughed and Jack chose to do Rusputin next.

"The neighbors are going to hate you guys." Wilbur laughed. "I'm going to shower then head to bed. Raylyn, just come in whenever you want, I'll probably be asleep." Raylyn gave him a thumbs up as Jack started the next round of Just Dance.

Wilbur left to his room to grab a change of clothes, a t-shirt, sweats, and boxers since he got hot last nice sharing a bed with another person. But he still wanted to respect any boundaries Raylyn might have.

He went to the end of his and Quackity's hall and grabbed a towel out of the closet before walking back across the apartment to the bathroom next to Jack's room. Two bathrooms but only one shower. Wilbur rolled his eyes and locked the door behind him.

He undressed and hopped into the shower. He let the hot water run down his body. It was a good thing the water heater was good in this building.

He had a lot of fun with Raylyn today, but Wilbur couldn't help from thinking back to seeing Dream and George kissing. Were they really dating? Had George gotten what he wanted?

Wilbur sighed and washed the soap out of his hair. He didn't want to think about this right now. So what if they were dating? Dream can date whom ever he wants.

"Fuck" Wilbur ran his fingers back through his hair causing it to stay back.

He wished that he was the one Dream was dating. He seemed to do a lot of replacing others with Dream or himself to make it the ideal existence of him being with Dream. What had this man done to him.

Wilbur cut off the water and hopped out of the shower, grabbing his towel and rubbing his hair to dry it. He dried off his body and put on his clothes. Then dried his hair once more before hanging up his towel and leaving the bathroom.

The other four were still playing Just Dance now moved onto "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne.

Wilbur chuckled watching them paired up, Karl with Raylyn, and Quackity with Jack, all aggressively pointing at one another.

Wilbur walked past and went to his bathroom to brush his teeth before bed. He jumped into his bed and started to black out immediately.


Wilbur was slightly awoken again when he felt a shift in the bed. He shifted so he could see if it was Raylyn. Sure enough it was them climbing over him to get to the side of the bed closest to the wall. Once they got under the covers Wilbur pulled them close to himself.

They smelled clean, they must have showered. "Did you have fun." Wilbur mumbled.

"Yeah, I did." Raylyn wrapped his arms around Wilbur's torso.

"Did Karl go home or is he staying the night?" Wilbur questioned, lightly rubbing Raylyn's back.

"Staying the night." Raylyn whispered. Wilbur hummed a reply.

"Which dance was you favorite?" Wilbur could feel Raylyn smile into his chest. "Toxic." He mumbled.

Wilbur chuckled and ran his fingers through their hair. "Of course if was."

Raylyn began to trace shapes in Wilbur's back. "Wilbur, were you upset earlier when you saw Dream and that brunette kiss?" Wilbur frowned and stopped his movements.

"I wouldn't really like to get into it exactly." Wilbur said looking towards the bed and away from Raylyn's head.

"Alright, sorry, I was just curious. You seemed a bit upset at first. And we immediately left afterwards so I just figured-" Raylyn slowed their tracing.

"Let's just go to sleep, ok?" Wilbur suggest pulling them closer.

"Yeah sure." Raylyn replied. They both closed their eyes and were out in seconds.

AN: Is this what people call an uploading schedule?? Very light angst today but mostly fluff like past chapters. Things will get rolling next chapter hopefully. I have something big planned that will really get things moving. I just wanted to really show Wilbur and Raylyn's relationship before I got into it :]

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