Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 damn, that's a lot. Also he/they pronouns for Raylyn (Friend) Welp enjoy :p

"Um could I maybe come in?" Raylyn asked. Wilbur nodded still a bit shocked at the fact that they were there.

Wilbur stepped out of the way and let Raylyn step into the apartment. "You do realize it's like 2am right?"

"It is?" Raylyn looked at the clock on his phone the shrugged looking back up at Wilbur. "Well I guess it is."

They had a pretty smile, Wilbur couldn't help but smile in return. He grabbed their hand and told them they could go to his room as to not disturb Jack and Quackity.

Wilbur opened the door for Raylyn and they jumped onto his bed.

"So why did you come at such an hour anyways?" Wilbur asked sitting down next to him.

"I just couldn't wait to see you!" Raylyn smiled, and he fluffed back his hair.

Wilbur blushed slightly and shifted in his spot on his bed. "So were you just in town? Do you have a place to stay?"

"Er... you could say I was just in town I guess, and no not really." They rubbed the back of their neck sheepishly.

"Um... I think Jack has an extra mattress somewhere in his room, and you could stay here in my room." Wilbur looked off towards his door, he just realized how many random things Jack has.

"Oh, I couldn't impose, Wil. You already have two roommates." Raylyn stared at Wilbur and spun one of the rings on his fingers.

"It wouldn't be permanent, just until you can find an official place to stay. For now I guess you can sleep in my bed."

Raylyn blushed, "With you?"

Wilbur smirked and shrugged, "Sure, why not?"

"R-right! Um, that's not a problem, no not at all!" Raylyn turned bright red, and scooted back a bit shifting his weight.

"So do you have any clothes?"

"Oh yeah! They're in my car, I was going to just sleep in there for the time being so all my stuff is in there."

"Cool, you can wear something of mine tonight, and we can get your stuff in the morning." Wilbur got up and went over to his closet pulling out a large blue hoodie and an extra pair of sweats. He also grabbed a hoodie for himself.

He threw them over to Raylyn, "I'm going to use the bathroom, you can just change in here." Wilbur smiled and left the room.

Wilbur used the restroom and washed his hands while looking in the mirror. Throwing on his hoodie while he was in there. "Wow, I really wasn't expecting him." Wilbur let out a light laugh and shook his head. He left the bathroom and went back to his bedroom.

Raylyn was passed out in his bed on the end next to the wall. Wilbur got into the bed next to him, he had the temptation to run his finger through their hair but resisted.

He suddenly wished it had been Dream who had knocked on his door and was laying in his bed asleep. Maybe he could just pretend... Wilbur reached over and pulled Raylyn close to him and fell asleep with them in his arms.


"Well then." Wilbur woke up, blue hair under his chin. He turned his head towards the door spotting Jack and Quackity standing in the doorway.

"Dude shows up at, what? 2am? And gets you to sleep with him? Damn, bet you wish you could do that to Dream." Quackity joked.

Wilbur groaned and rested his head back on top of Raylyn's.

The New Barista (Wilbur x Dream)Where stories live. Discover now