Chapter 22

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Wilbur smiled happily as he shut the bedroom door behind him. They both decided to go to bed, especially since Jack was due to come back into the living room any minute.

Dream had agreed to come into Wilbur's room after he used the bathroom.

"Raylyn, hey Raylyn." Wilbur whisper yelled into the darkness.

"Huh? Yeah?" Raylyn respond, voice laced with exhaustion.

"Would it be alright if you slept in Techno's room tonight?" Wilbur asked approaching the bed.

"What? Why?" Raylyn sat up in their elbows and moved their hair out of their eyes.

"Well, Dream said he might sleep in here tonight, and I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." Wilbur said blush creeping onto his cheeks. Both from embarrassment of having to ask, and the thought of sharing a bed with Dream.

"He's not going to sleep with George? Won't George get upset if he finds out?" Raylyn sat up further a bit reluctantly.

"He said George is a deep sleeper so as long as he goes back in the morning and pretends he was there all night, George won't know the difference." Wilbur responded sitting down on the bed.

"Alright if you say so, I think I saw a blow up mattress in the hall closet earlier today." Raylyn climbed out of bed and went to the door.

"Uh, don't have too much fun." Raylyn laughed, and opened the door to leave.

"Raylyn, what the fuck!" Wilbur yelled out as Raylyn left. Wilbur laughed out a sigh, resting his head in his hands. Raylyn was so stupid sometimes.

Wilbur looked up at the sound of the door opening. Dream stood in the opening staring at him. His face was unreadable, so Wilbur just stared back at the blonde.

"Dream?" Wilbur smiled, Dream seemed to snap out his trance and smiled. He stepped through the doorway and closed the door behind him.

"Is that what you're wearing to bed?" Dream chuckled. Wilbur looked down, he was still wearing his outfit from this morning, he didn't even realize he hadn't changed. It still had small patches of dried blood on it. The fact Dream still made out with him while he looked like this was beyond him.

"Oh, right, nah." Wilbur slipped off his coat and pulled off his shirt. Dream's face turned bright red as he stared down at the now shirtless brunette. Dream couldn't deny the fact that Wilbur was strong. His muscles rippled as he pulled his shirt over his head.

"Oh-" Dream mumbled staring at Wilbur. Wilbur looked up at Dream confused. But realization seemed to hit him like a brick as he turned a shade of red matching Dream.

"Shit, sorry, er." Wilbur stood and went to his suit case by the door, pulling out a t-shirt and pulling it over his head. He opted to change his pants in the bathroom instead of just changing again. "I'll be right back."

Wilbur entered the bathroom in shock. Did he really just do that. "Oh my god." Wilbur ran his hand down his face. What the actual fuck just happened. He never really thought anything of changing in front of Raylyn. They were usually asleep anyways, or they would look away and act like he wasn't even changing.

Wilbur just decided to forget about it. Like it never happened in the first place. He quickly changed and brushed his teeth before returning to his room.

Dream was already laying on Raylyn's side of the bed. Wilbur climbed in with him, wrapping his arms around the shorter. Dream turned into him and snuggled his face into Wilbur's chest. He mumbled something about seeing why George liked to do that so much. But Wilbur was too focused on having Dream's perfect smelling hair in his face.

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