Chapter 29

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Wilbur POV

They decided to go get ice cream after the interaction with Sally. Wilbur was still in a bit of shock afterwards. Not only did he get to kiss Dream multiple times. But he also got to see Sally slapped twice by the same handsome man.

Dream had rolled down the windows and given Wilbur the aux again. Wilbur blasted Birds Dont Sing by TV Girl. He just loved the vibe of the song. Singing every word, smile wide on his face.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" Dream said, glancing over at Wilbur as he sang. Wilbur blushed, a giddy smile appearing on his face. He covered his mouth with his hand, looking away from the blonde.

"Aww, why are you getting so shy?" Dream teased, he lightly elbowed Wilbur. Causing him to laugh.

"You're the beautiful one. Your beautiful green eyes, gorgeous blonde hair, amazing little freckles that spread like stars across you face. Need I go on?" Wilbur smiled staring lovingly at Dream. "You're perfect, Clay."

Dream's face turned bright red at the use of his real name. "You can't just do that!" Dream whined light heartedly. They both laughed, continuing to throw little flirtatious comments out at each other.

They finally arrived at the ice cream shop. It was rather empty, luckily for them. Dream got pistachio, and Wilbur got triple chocolate. They walked out the store, each licking at their ice creams.

"Pistachio? Really?" Wilbur said slightly disgusted, but still smiling.

"Yes really! Pistachio is great! Here try some." Dream pushed the ice cream up in Wilbur's face. Wilbur reluctantly licked a small bit.

"Yuck! Pistachio shouldn't even be a flavor!" Wilbur laughed, pushing the ice cream back over to Dream where it belonged.

"Oh wow, and what about your triple chocolate? That's so much better?" Dream raised a brow teasingly.

"It sure is, here you try." Wilbur handed it over to Dream. Dream licked a part that was dripping down the side.

"Oh wow! That's really good!" Dream exclaimed, "You know we might just have to trade." He laughed.

"What?! No way!" Wilbur laughed, "Give it back!"

"I don't think I will!" Dream chuckled, he ran off Wilbur chasing behind him. Wilbur called out to the blonde, begging him to give back his ice cream. "Give it ba-haack!" Wilbur couldn't help but laugh at Dream's antics.

"Catch me if can!" Dream called back, he turned backwards and took a big lick of Wilbur's ice cream. "Oh you little!" Wilbur sped up and caught up to the blonde. He jumped on him and grabbed his arm to slow him down.

Dream burst out laughing. He sounded like a boiling tea kettle. He continued to take licks of Wilbur's ice cream as the brunette ripped it out of his hand. "You little fucker. You're never going to have any of my ice cream ever again." Wilbur licked his ice cream, smile still evident on his face.

"Aw no. That's completely unfair!" Dream complained as he ate his own ice cream. They began to walk back to the car, Wilbur still holding onto Dream's arm.

"It's completely fair, it's a grand punishment!" Wilbur declared. They both lightly bickered back and forth all the way back to the car. Both men almost done with their cold treats by the time they got back to there.

Being with Dream was just so easy. If only he wasn't with George. George... Dream and Wilbur climbed back into the car. Wilbur really needed to come up with a plan to get rid of George. He was the only obstacle. He would've tried to reason with Dream but George seems to have some strange kind of grip on the man. Wilbur also didn't need George finding out he wanted rid of him.

Maybe he should first start with George's work. The infamous coffee shop, Steamy Beans.


The Next Day

Wilbur stepped into the warm coffee shop. Relishing in the warmth, along with the smell of coffee that wafted throughout the shop.

"Wil!" Wilbur blinked in shock. There at the counter stood an oh so familiar blonde. But not his sweet American. Oh no, instead it was the obnoxiously hilarious Brit. He'd forgotten that the trio had started working here. Wilbur was slightly hoping he would never come in on their shifts.

"Toms! I forgot you'd started working here! How are things?" Wilbur tried to start a casual conversation. Not so slyly looking behind Tommy for literally anyone else. Preferably Dream or Techno.

"Things are great! As they always are for I, the amazing Tommyinnit! I passed my recent exam!" Tommy exclaimed proudly, crossing his arms and puffing up his chest.

"That's great Toms. I'm very proud of you." Wilbur smiled at the shorter boy. He knew that Tommy looked up to him and Techno like brothers. They'd always looked out for him, as a result Tommy became sort of like a member of their family. Despite him being human.

Tommy smiled up at Wilbur, "So Wil, what would you like to drink this fine morning?" He stood expectantly behind the register.

"Dark roast." Wilbur pulled out his wallet and handed over a five. Tommy took it, saying an exaggerated thank you. He typed in the order and the payment, handing Wilbur back the change. Wilbur put it in the tip jar, and left Tommy to make his drink. He went and sat in his usual spot by the window. Focusing on the car at the intersection outside.

"Hey Wilbur." Someone whispered from behind him. Wilbur jumped in his seat and turned to see a tea kettle of a man crouched behind him.

"I scared you so good!" Dream laughed, Wilbur couldn't stay mad at him. He just punched his shoulder and smiled.

"You're such a bitch." Wilbur laughed.

"Yeah yeah, anyways, I can't stay long since George can only stay in the bathroom so long. But I just wanted to say hi before George starts doing something stupid." Dream smiled, and gave Wilbur a kiss on the cheek. "I should probably get back before he does, bye Wilbur!"

Wilbur blushed as he watch Dream run back to behind the counter. Clearly telling Tommy to be quiet about what he just saw. Tommy called out for Wilbur to come get his drink.

"Oooo have you become Dream's side bitch?" Tommy teased. Wilbur rolled his eyes and just grabbed his drink. "Shut up Tommy. At least I'm getting bitches." Wilbur smirked, he enjoyed teasing Tommy. His reactions were always so over exaggerated.

"You son of bitch! I do get bitches! I get many bitches, and I respect all of them, and give them all much love!" Tommy exclaimed offended.

"Whatever you say, Toms." Wilbur shrugged and turned to go back to his spot by the window. George finally came out front to help Tommy work the front. He made eye contact him. Tension suddenly getting thick in the air.

The eye contact didn't last long but Wilbur could feel George glancing over at him as he stared out the window and drank his coffee. He needed to think up a plan to get rid of that man. No one was going to stop him.

AN: I'm baaaack yay!! I took the exam, it was hell, but I'm back and will hopefully get back on a normal uploading schedule. If we're lucky I can maybe finish the book this month! Also thank you guy so much for 5k reads!! That's absolutely insane! Love you guys sm, don't forget to vote <333

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