Chapter 7

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(We're back at it again boys >:])


Wilbur quickly pushed himself onto his feet and backed away.

George rubbed his lower back as he stood up as well. "Weren't expecting me were you?" The smile George made was frightening. And his eyes seemed to have a sort of golden glow behind them. But the glow left as quick as it had appeared.

Once George had seen Wilbur leave, he stopped Sapnap and Dream from following and insisted that he was the one to get Wilbur. He took a short cut through the back of the building to cut Wilbur off. He wasn't expecting to literally run into him though.

"What... what do you want?" Wilbur stood, slightly out of breathe from panic, ready to turn and run if needed.

"Oh relax, I just want to talk to you about a few things is all." The weird smile remained on George's face. Wilbur didn't trust it at all.

"What did you want to talk about?" He took a small step back, George following suit.

"Oh nothing special, just that I know it was you who was texting Dream. Not Sapnap." The strange glow appeared again for a split second.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He stepped back once again. George following, not letting up.

"Don't play dumb with me, Wilbur. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Didn't I tell you to back the fuck off?" The smile slowly dropped and George turned his head to the side slightly. The way George was looking at him was really unnerving.

"George..." Wilbur put his hands out in front of himself, trying to calm the smaller British man.

"Don't 'George' me, you need to stay the fuck away from Dream. You got that? He doesn't want you, and he never will. He will only ever want me. Now wake up and get that through that thick skull of yours. Dream will never have any feelings for you." George spat.

"You fucker." Wilbur's eyes narrowed, this time he took a step forward. Followed by another, until he was towering over George.

George didn't shrink down at all like he had expected him to. He stared directly into Wilbur's eyes.

Wilbur's skin felt hot. He saw George's eyes widen a little and he let out a small gasp. Wilbur blinked and immediately backed down.

"Whatever, Dream isn't yours George. It's up to him who he wants to be with. Let's just wait and see how things turn out in the end." Wilbur gave a small smile and turned on his heel.

He needed some coffee. Wilbur raised his hand up to his face. Did George see what he thought he had? He really hoped he didn't. His face was still slightly warm but Wilbur decided to just ignore it and dropped his hand. He needed to go cool off, literally.

Before he knew it he was opening the door to Steamy Beans Coffee.

"What are you doing her so late?" Wilbur looked up at the counter to see Techno staring curiously at him. Wilbur slouched over the counter, resting most of his weight on his hands.

"Techno, are you close with Dream?" He lifted his head slightly to make eye contact with Techno.

"Well I returned a favor to get him this job, but I wouldn't exactly say we're super close. Why?" Techno left the counter and grabbed a wet towel to wipe down the work stations.

"Well I was just wondering if you two maybe talked about what you like in a romantic partner?"

Techno chuckled at the question, "No, no we do not. Why, you actually growing a crush on him?" Techno teased.

Wilbur's face turned a bright red. "Wow I don't think I've ever seen your face redder than that." Techno smiled, he wringed the water out of the towel and threw it by the sink.

"Is that why you looked so distressed when coming in here? What happened?" Techno left behind the counter, turned off the open sign, and locked the front door. He dimmed the lights so people wouldn't try to come in. He led Wilbur to one of the tables and flipped down the chairs.

"Thanks, um, well it wasn't exactly Dream who I was 'distressed' about as you so put it." Wilbur adjusted his hair.

"Then who was it?"

"George." Wilbur looked away towards the windows and the cars at the intersection outside.

"George? I mean I guess that makes sense. Dream did get all blushy earlier today when I brought up how giddy he was talking to George." Techno said. Wilbur hit his head on the table and pouted.

"Don't be like that. I'm sure you still have a chance, maybe."

"Well George doesn't think so. He seems to believe Dream will never feel anything for me. And I may have gotten a bit upset and made a mistake." Wilbur's voice was a bit muffled against the table, so he turn his head.

"What kind of mistake." Techno sat up straight and glared at Wilbur.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter. He was probably shocked that I got that close to him. I should probably go now before Quackity and Jack start to worry." Wilbur stood and pushed in his chair but before he could turn to leave Techno grabbed his arm.

"You need to be more careful with your anger, Wilbur." Techno's eyes flashed a blood red before returned to their gentle blue color.

"Sure, I'll be more careful."

"You promise?"

"I promise." Techno let go of Wilbur's arm and waved him goodbye.

"Stay safe, Wil! If you see Phil, tell him I say hi!" Wilbur chuckled and nodded, unlocked the door before leaving.

All he wanted to do right now was get into his bed and pass out. Tonight was a long night.

AN: Two chapters two days in a row??? I hope you guys liked it! The story's started to gain more of a story line that it will follow. I'm getting too invested in writing this lmao. Make sure to get some sleep and drink water unlike me <3

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