Chapter 17

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Tw: blood, fighting

Leaves and patchy snow crunched under Wilbur's boots as he walked through the forest. He had gotten dressed before leaving to search for George. Changing into his usual patch covered brown coat, a simple white t-shirt underneath, black cargo pants, and black boots.

Wilbur left the cabin not looking forward to the search. He knew he had to find George, he just didn't really want to. But they couldn't leave George out in the woods alone. He didn't bother calling out George's name, instead just searching with his eyes, and peeking around trees.

He's been out looking for what felt like 30 minutes, but it was probably less. Wilbur let out a sigh, his breath clouding up in the air. It was rather could out. It was already almost February, and they had still been getting snow and freezing weather. Though, it was still the morning so the cold air wasn't surprising.

Wilbur was tempted to just turn around and go back to the cabin. George would return eventually, right? He may be an asshole, but he's not an idiot. But Wilbur knew Dream would kill him if he returned without George. He really didn't want to get on Dream's bad side.

Wilbur began to hear the sound of rushing water. He knew that if it was him running into the forest to have an emotional breakdown, a river would be a nice place to do it. Wilbur turned his body to go toward the sound.

It sounded kind of distant but Wilbur thought it would be the best place to find George, if he was going to find him anywhere.

Wilbur ran a hand absentmindedly through his hair. He began to think about his kiss with Dream again. Did that mean Dream liked him back? Wilbur blushed at the idea. His heart beating a thousand times a minute. He reached a hand up to touch his lip. He could still feel the reminisce of the feeling of having Dream's lips on his own. He wished he could live forever in that moment. Kissing Dream till the end of time. He felt giddy at the idea.

He was snapped out of his thought once he noticed an opening in the trees up ahead and the increasing sound of rushing water. He cleared the last few trees before the clearing but frozen in his tracks.

George was there standing by the running river but he wasn't the same. "George?" Wilbur called out. George jumped, turned around, and stared shocked at Wilbur.

"W-Wilbur?" George was shaking a little. He seemed too shocked to even move. George had large white feathered wings springing from his back. They were slightly curved around him as if ready to protect himself at a moments notice. His face had what looked like golden flecks on his checks and near his hair line. His eyes had that golden glow Wilbur had seen before when he ran into George after running away from Dream and Sapnap.

Wilbur had this strange rage come over him. So this asshole was an angel, and yet he still chose to actively treat others like shit to get what he wanted. Weren't angels supposed to be kind and caring beings or something? Wilbur never bothered to learn much about the creatures, he found them a bit revolting how they probably saw themselves as better than others. George just proved that theory.

"Wilbur, do you think it would be possible for you to just forget you saw this?" George asked franticly. Wilbur took a pace forward, rage taking over his body. "Wilbur look, I know I haven't been very nice to you, but you kissed my boyfriend! So how about we call it even and you just don't say anything!" George tried to reason, Wilbur knew he was lying though. Like Wilbur would just let George get what he wanted, again.

"Oh! Just fucking forget about it? I think you would be gaining more out of this dumb fucking deal than me! You absolute prick! You think I'm just going let you get Dream, keep your little secret, and let you continue to be an ass to me?" Wilbur snapped continuing to walk towards George, George taking steps back slowly. Clearly cautious of the rushing water behind him.

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