Chapter 9

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Wilbur unlocked his apartment door, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo chatting amongst themselves behind him.

It was getting late but Tommy had insisted they stay for dinner and made Wilbur order them sushi, which Ranboo was now holding. Techno had gone home for the night though, saying he had the early shift tomorrow at the coffee shop.

"Wooo! That was so fun!" Tommy brushed past Wilbur once he opened the door. While Tubbo and Ranboo waited for Wilbur to enter before following behind closing the door.

"Jesus, I'm starving." Ranboo reached into the to-go bag and pulled out the sushi setting it all along the counter. Tubbo grabbed the plate and set them at the end of the counter so they could move down and grab what they wanted.

"I'm going to go get the other two." Wilbur left the three to get settled and went to check if Quackity was in his room.

He knocked on the door, opening it without waiting for an answer. Quackity sat on his bed in just his boxers and his phone in his hand, clearly about to go to bed.

"Hey! Maybe wait for a response next time asshole!" Quackity yelled. He was acting like Wilbur had never walked in on him in his boxers before, he rolled his eyes sighing.

"Well if you want to maybe put on some sweats, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, and I got sushi." Wilbur shrugged and left Quackity, shutting the door behind him. He then went back through the living room to the other side of the apartment to Jack's room.

"Leave some for us three!" Wilbur yelled to the three college students as he passed.

He again knocked on the door and opened without waiting for an answer. Luckily this time Jack was sitting at his desk supposedly working on something on his laptop. "Hey Wil, dinner here or something?"

"Yeah, it's sushi."

"Awesome, I'll be out in a minute, make sure those three don't steal it all." Jack joked.

"Yeah, of course." Wilbur smiled, turning and shutting the door.

Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo were now sitting in the living room. Tommy on the couch and Tubbo and Ranboo sitting on the floor below him. Those two are going to give Tommy some sort of God complex if they keep doing that.

Wilbur looked over to the kitchen where Quackity was making himself a plate of sushi and edamame, and taking some gyoza.

Wilbur grabbed himself a plate and did the same, he followed Quackity over to the couch, passing by Jack as he went to get himself anything that was left.

Tommy had grabbed the remote and put on 'Friends'. He seemed to be getting really into that show recently.

As they sat there watching tv and eating sushi, Wilbur's thoughts somehow drifted off to a certain green eyed blonde.

He had been thinking about him for a lot of the trip to the amusement park. He still had fun there but he couldn't help but feel jealous of any couples he saw there, and wish that it was him and Dream.

Dream and his perfect smile, beautiful freckles that were scattered like stars across his face. His forest green eyes that could transport Wilbur into the most beautiful places in nature. Not to mention that even though they had only spoken a few times, Dream was quiet and snippy but he was still sweet.

Quiet and snippy... she flashed across his mind. Wilbur shook his head. He couldn't think of her. Not again, not after what she did. Wilbur stood from his spot on the couch and put his empty plate in the kitchen. "I'm going to go to bed now, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, you three will be fine getting home right?"

"Yeah we'll be fine, Wil." Ranboo responded giving Wilbur a reassuring smile.

Wilbur nodded and left for his room. He entered his room and collapsed onto his bed. God. Wilbur ran his hands up his face, pushing up his glasses. He reached up and took them off getting up and placing them on his dresser. He looked at himself in the mirror.

He was handsome, right? More handsome than George? George had flawless pale skin, he was shorter than Dream, that dark brown hair. Wilbur's skin was rather clear, his hair was perfectly fluffy, sure he was taller but that wouldn't make him any worse of a boyfriend. Boyfriend... Wilbur laughed sadly hanging his head as he leaned on his dresser.

Maybe he should try to somehow get some alone time with Dream. But how? It's not like he could ask Dream to hang out, he didn't even have his number.

Wilbur walked over to his closet grabbing some sweats from the storage in there. Maybe he could ask Techno to arrange something to where they 'accidentally' end up stuck together somewhere? No that's too cliche. Maybe he should just shoot his shot and ask if he wants to go somewhere.

Wilbur changed and collapsed onto his bed again, then groan once he realized he still had to turn off his lights and brush his teeth.

He got up and finished his nightly routine without a thought and waved goodbye to the three little shits as they left to go home.

Wilbur sighed happily as he finally was able to go to bed. He dreamt about Dream and him sitting in a park on a sunny day.

Dream and him sat on a blanket with a picnic basket. Dream handed him a sandwich and kissed him on the cheek. Wilbur blushed and smiled like an idiot. They continued to eat and talk quietly to each other.

Sadly Wilbur was jolted awake by someone shaking his shoulders. "Wha- what? What do you want?" Wilbur groaned trying to make out the face above him in the dark.

"Wilbur get up, someone at the door wants to see you." Quackity punched Wilbur in the shoulder causing Wilbur to jolt up at him.

"Fine, jeez, who is it?" Wilbur sat up and rubbed his shoulder, frowning at the shorter.

"Idk too tired to pay attention but they won't leave." Quackity pulled Wilbur out of bed and out of his room. "Ok ok I get it let go."

Wilbur pulled his arm out of Quackity's grip and sludged over to the door. He opened it rubbing his eyes. "Hello?"

"Hello Wilbur." In front of him stood a blue haired man with freckles that were similar to Dreams but he had brown eyes, and was much shorter.

"Um, hello? Do I know you?" Wilbur leaned against the door racking his memory to try and figure out who this guy might be.

"I'm Raylyn Friend! We were friends in High School remember?" Raylyn smiled up at Wilbur, he looked so sweet.

Wilbur's eyes widened, well shit, Raylyn was not only his pansexual awakening, but also his first kiss with a guy. Now 7 years later here he stood on Wilbur's doorstep with the same blue hair and same sweet smile.

Wilbur was screwed.

AN: Just a cute note Raylyn actually means "beautiful lamb" :] Yay, Friend is here! Didn't expect that did you😌 I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I threw together cause I figured I should probably give you guys one. Have a nice rest do your guy's day/night/afternoon <3

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