Chapter 16

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Today was Saturday, the first official day of the camping trip. It was already off to a great start of Wilbur waking up in the bed alone. He opened his eyes and noticed Raylyn's missing presence. He got up on one of his forearms and looked around the room.

At the end of the bed was a tv on a dresser, to his left was a window and on the wall next to the bed was a side table and a walk in closet. On his right was the door and another side table. They're bags both placed by the door.

Wilbur climbed out of bed stretching his arms before standing. He grabbed his phone off the side table and opened the door to the hallway. He trudged his way down the stairs. He could hear the clinking and clanking of someone working in the kitchen.

He rounded the corner to see Raylyn, Quackity, Sapnap and Karl making breakfast.

"Good morning sleepy head!" Raylyn smiled as he spotted Wilbur enter the room. Quackity, Karl, and Sapnap all looking up at Raylyn's words.

"What you guys makin'" Wilbur asked rubbing his eyes and sitting at the island bar. Wilbur hadn't even seen Quackity make an attempt to cook anything in the past. Seeing him in the kitchen felt very strange.

"Chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Speaking of which, how do you like your eggs?" Sapnap questioned not turning from the stove. He had a spatula in his hand was mixing the eggs, supposedly making scrambled eggs.

"I'll take a fried egg, not runny please." Wilbur replied.

"Got it!" Sapnap lifted up his spatula still staring at the stove.

"Crispy bacon is alright, right?" Karl questioned as he put some finished bacon on a plate with a paper towel.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Crunchy bacon is the best kind anyways." Just then Wilbur heard a pair of foot steps approaching. He turned around saw Dream standing behind me.

"Food smells really good!" Dream leaned over Wilbur's shoulder, one hand on the counter. Wilbur's face turned bright red. Why was he so close?

"So Dream? How was sleeping with your boyfriend Gogy~?" Sapnap teased. Dream chuckled and moved to sit in the seat next to Wilbur. So they are dating. Wilbur couldn't help feeling disappointed. He felt like Dream had been coming onto him more recently, but it must have just been his imagination.

"It was good." Dream smiled. Sapnap then started imitating the sound of a creaking bed and everyone began laughing. Everyone but Wilbur and Raylyn. Raylyn noticed the way Wilbur's expression changed at the mention of Dream and George being together.

He wished he could go comfort the Brit but they were on pancake duty and didn't want them getting burnt.

An exhausted Techno soon came down the stairs, breakfast having just been finished. Dream heading back up to fetch George.

They all began putting food on their plates and sitting in the same spots as they did the night before, Jack still passed out on the couch. Techno shook him awake and Jack gathered his blanket and pillow, setting them by his things below the window next to the tv.

Everyone was finally up and eating their breakfast, gentle conversation floating throughout the room. Dream and George flirting right next to Wilbur. Techno watching The a great British Baking Show on the tv. Karl, Quackity, and Sapnap, talking about something that had happened the other day in the car. Jack and Raylyn laughing over something they saw on Jack's phone.

Wilbur silently ate his food, he felt like dying. His brother on the other side of the room. His best friend talking with someone else, and the guy he liked flirting with someone else while right next to him. Wilbur quickly finished his food and got up bringing his stuff to the kitchen. He rinsed his plate and cup, and placed them in the dishwasher.

The New Barista (Wilbur x Dream)Where stories live. Discover now