Chapter 13

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^art by OxFOXYxO I know it's not the main ship but the art is still really cute :D

Wilbur had actually woke up on time today and was currently at the Steamy Beans Coffee drinking his usual. Raylyn had gone out saying how he wanted to meet up with someone from high school that Wilbur hadn't been close with but lives in the area.

Wilbur sat in his usual spot by the window. He took a sip of his coffee while he scrolled through twitter.

Wilbur looked up from his phone to see a blonde hesitantly standing over him. "Uh, is something wrong?" He asked setting his phone down.

"Oh! Um no, no nothings wrong. I just, um, I was wondering if you wanted to come on a camping trip with Karl, Quackity, Jack, Techno, Sapnap, George, and I." Dream rubbed the back of his neck and his face turned a bit red.

Wilbur looked at him confused, "Uh, sure sounds fun. Could I bring Raylyn? He doesn't really have anyone else he can stay with, and I don't think he would enjoy being alone in the apartment."

"Oh, right. Yeah you can... you can bring him." Dream brushed his hair out of his face avoiding eye contact with Wilbur.

"Are you sure everything is ok? You seem off." Wilbur held onto his coffee slowing spinning it while watching Dream.

"Yeah, I'm good. The trip is tomorrow, we're leaving at 10 in the morning. You can drive with whoever you want. We're all going to meet up here."

"Alright, I'll drive with Raylyn, cause let's be honest, Quackity, Karl, and Sapnap will all want to be in the same car." Wilbur chuckled and took a sip of his coffee.

"Oh so it will just be George and I in one car. Karl, Sapnap, Quackity, and Jack in another. And I'm assuming Techno will want to ride with you and Raylyn?"

"Sounds about right." Wilbur took a final sip of his coffee and placed the empty cup back on the table.

"Are you sure we don't want to cut it down to just two cars? So four in one, five in the other?" Dream asked.

"Um yeah, it's probably more comfortable for everyone that way." Wilbur was really confused by this point.

"Right." Dream adjusted his shirt and shifted on his feet.

"Well, I should get going, Karl was going to let me borrow his car and pick up the little college shits from class." Wilbur stood from his seat and walked over to the trash can to throw away his cup. Dream following behind him like a puppy.

"Oh, alright, I'll see you tomorrow then!" Dream smiled and waved as Wilbur left.

Wilbur smiled as he left. Even though Dream was acting strange, Wilbur still liked the attention. God he was so pathetic. Wilbur made it back to the apartment and took Karl's car keys off the hook.

He walked down to the parking lot and spotted Karl's purple Jeep Wrangler. He unlocked the car and hopped in. He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. The college was only 15 minutes away by car from the complex.

Wilbur blasted his music and sang along as he drove down the rode. He pulled up to the front of the college, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo sitting at a picnic table in front of the school.

"Toms!" Wilbur turned down his music a bit and rolled down the window. Tommy looked over and his smile grew. He motioned to Tubbo and Ranboo and they ran over to the car.

"Hey Wil!" Tommy hopped into the passenger seat. Tubbo and Ranboo climbing into the back.

"You should really buy your own car, Toms." Wilbur joked turning down the music some more.

Tommy took Wilbur's phone off the aux and connected his own and began to play Able Sisters. "Well Tubbo found this cool silver Cadillac that Ranboob, Tubs, and I are looking into getting."

"Did you really have to say Ranboob?" Ranboo groaned.

"A Cadillac? That's a nice car." Wilbur nodded.

"Yeah, it's real cheap too! Only like five thousand!" Tubbo chirped.

"Oh that's nice!"

"And like you really have the right to say anything about needing a fucking car." Tommy laughed, "This car isn't even yours!"

"Oh shut up you little shit. My car is in the shop right now, I'll have it again soon." Wilbur laughed.

"This is Karl's car, right?" Ranboo asked leaning forward.

"Yeah it is. So where is you guys want to go?"

"Anywhere with food." Ranboo said.

"Frozen yogurt!!" Tommy yelled, and him and Tubbo began to chant.

"Alright alright, frozen yogurt it is." Wilbur turned left towards the nearest frozen yogurt place he knew of.

He pulled up and parked the car right out front. "We're here." He turned off the car and they all clambered out, rushing to the front door.

Tommy got a chocolate and vanilla, with cookie dough, chocolate chips, chocolate syrup, and caramel.

Tubbo got cookies and cream, with Oreo, chocolate chips, and a cherry. Ranboo got dark chocolate and vanilla with gummy worms and gummy bears, cookie dough, and chocolate syrup.

Then Wilbur got Dutch chocolate with gram crackers, marshmallows, and cookie dough. Wilbur ending up having to pay for all of their frozen yogurt.

They got back into the car and Tommy turned Able Sisters back on.

"Is that all you listen to?" Wilbur asked, as he began to drive them home.

"It's not, it's just the best music." Tommy huffed.

"I think we should play lemon demon-" Ranboo pipped in.

"No one asked Ranboob." Tommy cut him off.

Ranboo sat back and sulked, "Hey, it's alright boss man, he didn't mean it." Tubbo rubbed his back with his empty hand.

Ranboo continued to pout as he ate his frozen yogurt.

Wilbur pulled up to the college dorms and stopped his car in front for the entrance. "Alright here you go guys."

"Thanks for the ride and froyo Wil!" Tommy called as he climbed out of the car. Tubbo and Ranboo doing the same in the back.

"Yeah sure!" Wilbur replied waving goodbye.

He needed to get back home to pack for the camping trip.

AN: Not the best chapter but at least we can actually go where I want to now :]

(1055 words)

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