Chapter 21

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Dream POV

Dream couldn't help sneaking glances at Wilbur while he combed his hands though George's hair. George was distracted by his phone, and Wilbur was busy watching Monsters Inc. No one noticed.

They had finished eating 45 minutes ago. They were now just sitting in the living room watching movies. The others should be back by now.

While Dream was staring at Wilbur, he heard the front door open. Multiple voices filling the unspoken silence of the living room.

"That squirrel was so cute! That was so cool how it just took the acorn from you, Raylyn!" Dream heard Karl's excited voice float into the room.

"Hey guys!" Quackity smiled entering the room and jumping onto the couch next to Wilbur.

"Hey! How was the hike?" Wilbur responded giving Quackity the same energy.

"It was great! Raylyn hand fed a squirrel!" Karl quipped and sat down next to Quackity on the arm of the chair.

"Oh really?" Wilbur looked over to Raylyn who was standing next to Techno, who was sitting in his chair.

"Yup! It was so adorable! It was just shoving the acorns into its chubby cheeks." Raylyn responded giddy.

"They approached it like it was nothing." Sapnap laughed, "I thought it was gonna attack them."

"But it didn't!" Jack pointed out entering the room holding a cup of coffee.

Dream lifted George's head and got up from the couch. "I'm going to get something to drink." Dream got up and left everyone to talk about the hike.

It wasn't that he didn't care, he just needed some actual time alone. He grabbed a cup from the cabinet above the sink and got some water from the fridge.

"Hey Dream?" Dream turned to the small blue haired man behind him.

"Yeah?" Dream took a sip of his water and leaned back against the counter behind him.

"Everything alright? I noticed the way you were staring at Wilbur." Raylyn looked a bit concerned for the taller.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Dream rebutted, looking away from the blue haired man.

"He'd be better for you." Raylyn sighed opening the fridge to get an apple.

"What are you talking about? Wilbur doesn't even have feelings for me, he's just... just... um, I don't know... messing with me?" Dream gripped his cup, his heart ached at the thought. He had a boyfriend, and yet, the thought of Wilbur not having feelings for him hurt.

"He's not messing with you. You should hear how much he talks about you. He's always so giddy when he gets the chance to talk about you. God, he blushes anytime you even get close to him. He barely knows you, and yet he's practically in love with you!" Raylyn said exasperated, something about the way that he said it seemed a bit off though. Not in the way he was insincere but more in Raylyn's own emotions.

"Really?" Dream stared at him, longing for him to be telling the truth.

"Really, he wants to be with you Dream. But I know, you're in a relationship. George seems... off. Just think about it." Raylyn turned on his heels and left, apple in hand.

Dream had been considering it, ever since he kissed Wilbur. But then the moment he sees George, it's like those thoughts never existed at all. It was like George had some control over his thoughts and mind. It seemed when he was around George, George was the only one he could see. Only exception being earlier on the couch.

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