Chapter 27

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TW: severe homophobia

Wilbur sped his way to the mall. He'd guilt tripped Karl and Raylyn into telling him where Dream and George were. They were the easiest to get things out of anyways.

He was also able to convince Karl to let him take his Jeep. Which he was now speeding down the road in. The mall was about a mile away by now. That's when he got a phone call. Wilbur quickly glanced down at his phone, the contact showed "Quacktitty🧨🖕". Wilbur rolled his eyes but his phone was connected to the Bluetooth so he picked up.

"Wilbur! What the fuck! Get back to here! Turn the car the fuck back around!" Quackity screamed through the car speakers.

"Um... yeah, no I don't think so." Wilbur replied calmly despite his clenched fists and high speeds.

"Wilbur, I'm not joking. You're unstable right now! You need to stay away!" Quackity tried to stress to the Brit. But Wilbur just ignored him, groaning before hanging up. "Wilbur please don't han-"

Wilbur practically drifted into the mall parking lot. He parked his car in the first spot he could find, not caring how far it was from the mall doors.

He was fuming, but trying hard to conceal his other form. His main goal that the moment though was to find the sick couple.

He could feel people staring at him for a second too long, or moving to the other side of the kiosks in order to not walk near him. But he was too focused on finding those two to really care.

If he were to ever have Dream, George had to go, no matter the cost. That's at least how everyone around him made it seem, and Wilbur was willing to play by their rules. As long as he won in the end.

That's when he spotted the two, they were walking into the food court. George sewn into Dream's side, practically death gripping his arm. Wilbur couldn't see Dream's face, but George was staring up at the blonde with a huge smile plastered on his face.

Wilbur's skin boiled. Why did George get to be happy while he suffered on the side lines. What did Wilbur ever do to deserve being treated like a ghost.

But as he approached the food court, he heard a sickly familiar voice behind him. "Wilbur?"

He chose to ignore it and continue towards the couple. But the voice called out for him again. "Wilbur, is that you?" He felt a hand grab his arm. He instinctively looked over at the culprit. Sure enough there she stood. Sally.

"Wilbur! It is you! Oh how I missed you!" She smiled, she acted as though it hadn't been 2 whole years since they've spoken to one another.

"What the fuck, let go of me!" Wilbur tried to yank his arm out of her grip, but she just held tighter. He was honestly a bit thankful she was grabbing the opposite arm that George had the other night. Since that was somehow still causing him pain.

"Wilby, it must've been fate that brought us back here together." She cooed. Wilbur's faced scrunched up in disgust, like he would ever wish to be with her again. Not after what she did.

They were the college love birds. Together for two years and everyone wished they could be them. But during those two years, Wilbur had forgotten to mention the fact that he was pansexual. Before she found out he was pan she was sweet and had a snappy attitude that Wilbur liked to mess with. But when Sally found out, she was livid. She had screamed at him how it was wrong and disgusting. She would hit him and tell him that he should go to conversion therapy to "get better". Then on graduation day, she left. She told one of their mutual friends that he should come to find her when he "finally got some sense knocked into him." Wilbur, of course, blocked her on all forms of social media, or any other way she could try and contact him.

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