Chapter 26

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Wilbur had woken up and changed back into his clothes from the previous day. He left wishing a goodbye to both Niki and Minx as they ate their breakfasts. Niki had asked if Wilbur wanted to stay and eat, but he denied figuring he should probably go back to his apartment to let his friends know he was alright.

He called an Uber for a ride home. The ride consisted of the occasional small talk, but was overall rather quiet. Wilbur thanked the driver and paid them through the app as he walked up to his room.

He unlocked the door, putting his keys on the hook by the door, mostly for Jack's sake.

"Hello?" The living room was empty, and the apartment was silent. Jack and Quackity were usually awake and roaming about by now.

Wilbur decided to peek in their rooms to see if they were there. He looked in Jack's room, empty. Quackity's room? Also empty. Maybe they were all in his room for some reason? Wilbur peeked in, but not even the fluffy blue hair he was used to being in his bed was there.

He let out a deep sigh and collapsed onto the couch. Where the fuck did they go? Wilbur thought for a moment before sitting up straighter at an idea. He quickly stood, about to leave again before realizing he should probably change. He smelled of alcohol, and probably looked even worse. Maybe it was dumb luck no one was home.

Wilbur decided to take a quick shower before leaving. He washed away the horrible smells and brushed his teeth. He pulled on a white turtleneck, with a brown sweatshirt over top. He put on some black pants with a black belt. He wrapped his watch onto his wrist, and put some rings on his fingers. He hesitated before deciding to put on his glasses. He looked himself over in the mirror before nodding and leaving the apartment again.

He tossed his keys into the air as he walked. He felt rather bored, he usually had stuff to think about during this walk. But nothing important came to mind today. Which was strange considering how much has happened recently.

Wilbur tossed his keys one last time before shoving them in his pocket once he reached the cross walk. There before him on the other side of the road stood the coffee shop he always returned to, as if it was calling his name.

He crossed the road, the bell ringing as he entered the coffee filled shop. Sure enough there sat all his friends, or stood behind the counter. They all glanced over to him, Raylyn standing and running up to him.

"Wilbur! Oh my god! Where were you?!" Raylyn stared up at him worried.

"I texted you and told you I was spending the night at Niki's and to tell the others. See look." Wilbur pulled out his phone only to see that he never actually sent the text to Raylyn. That explains why they never responded.

"Oh, sorry." Wilbur deleted the typed out message and put his phone back away.

"This is the second time you've done this in the past month, Wil." Quackity said bitterly as he approached. "What is up with you recently. We barely saw you before you stormed out. What even happened?"

"It's not important." Wilbur walked away from Quackity and Raylyn and over to the counter. "Anyways, could I get a dark roast, I got really fucking drunk last night and need something to help with this pounding headache I got."

Wilbur placed down three ones onto the counter and watched as Techno took it, entering it into the register.

"Thanks." Wilbur smiled, Techno nodded and left the counter to make his drink.

"Wilbur..." Karl started placing his hand on Wilbur's arm. Wilbur jumped and pulled his arm away. He hadn't even noticed Karl approach him. Much less expect him to be holding his arm.

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