✨- | Chapter One | -✨

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In la Casa Madrigal, it was far from odd to wake up to the sound of floorboards and tiles shuffling about, or the shingles dancing to their own unique tune across the roof. It created its own music in a way, and gave the Madrigals something that grounded them in the magic of the miracle, and in the enchanted house the family was so lucky to call their home.

Today, you woke up to something unlike the typical symphony outside your bedroom window, which filled the air with the sound of Casita to greet you. Instead, you woke to a different kind of music, and a series of short knocks on your door. You thought you could hear a voice just outside in the hall, so in a matter of a minute you were up, your favorite leather bag slung over your shoulder, and shimmying into your skirt as you opened your door. Never mind the hair...it was too much trouble.

As you pulled your door back, you caught sight of your closest friend, Mirabel Madrigal, singing and dancing merrily through the halls. She jumped between each of the hypnotically shimmering doors, knocking on each of them with a cheerful tune. She stopped short at Abuela Alma's door, a wide smile painting her face. The elderly matriarch herself had emerged, her face set in a pleased smile. Even still, Mirabel continued her song.

"Woah! Let's be clear, Abuela runs this show~ Woah! She led us here so many years ago~"

Each of the Madrigal children emerged from their doors, each joining in on Mirabel's joyful, upbeat tune. Your eyes wandered between each of them, finally resting on Abuela Alma's steady demeanor.

"Woah! And every year, our family blessings grow!"

You were delighted to see Mirabel making her way back to you, and she gripped both of your hands in hers. She spun you around a bit before Casita helped the both of you safely down the stairs with a smooth wooden ramp, and to the front door. It was clear Mirabel was having a rather excitable morning so, being her bestest friend in the world, you decided to join in on the fun. The next part, the both of you sang together.

"There's just a lot you simply got to know, so..."

The two of you burst through the tall wooden doors, and the entire family poured out into town. You caught several pairs of eyes on you as you sang, partially because listening to you had always been several of the Madrigals' favorite pastimes. Especially for one Camilo Madrigal. His gaze on you lingered as he followed his family into town, and you felt a warmth spreading up to your cheeks. You sent him a playful wink, which he returned with a toothy grin.

"Welcome to the family Madrigal!"

Mirabel spun once, twirling her skirt, and took the next line.

"The home of the family Madrigal, we're on our way!" You turned slightly and waved goodbye to Casita, and followed Mirabel out into town.

"Where all the people are fantastical and magical! I'm part of the family Madrigal~"

A small group of children gathered in the town clamored after one another, and after the family. You walked in the back, beside Mirabel, grinning at one another as they began crowding you.

"Ohmigosh it's them!" one of the children exclaimed, waving and pointing at the family excitedly. Then, where one started, several others would continue. Several of them talked over one another, each vying for yours or Mirabel's attention. One of them pulled at your arm, earning a little laugh from Mirabel.

"Alright, alright! Relax," she told them lightheartedly, holding her hands up in a little surrender.

"It is physically impossible to relax!" one of the girls exclaimed, waving her arms in the air frustratingly.

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