Chapter Fifteen

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Julieta, faster than you could even comprehend, had run to the sight of her daughter, peeking into the maze of rubble. The sun had long since risen, the dust settled, but all was kicked up again as mother and daughter reunited.

"Ay mi amor," Julieta spoke softly, her voice wavering on the edge of tears. "I was so worried...we couldn't find you."

Agustín followed close behind his wife, and threw his arms over both of them in a tight hug.

Aching to see Mirabel again, wondering what happened, you directed your gaze to Camilo beside you, silently asking for help to your feet. Luckily he read your gaze, and slowly stood with your hands in his. He pulled them up as you rose, and when you finally planted your feet in the dirt, he held your arms so you could balance off of him.

"Wait...Y/n. Where's y/n?"

The sound of your name sailing through the space between you and Mirabel rang louder than the bell in your ears, and everyone simultaneously turned their heads in your direction. Camilo shared with you a worried glance, because he remembered the fight the two of you had just last night. He remembered what you'd said in anger, and in agony, to each other. He worried for you, but he also worried for his prima.

Releasing Camilo, you stepped over the broken mounds of Casita to reach the cluster of Madrigals who'd gathered around Mirabel. Their eyes were tired, but wide and curious.

You stopped just short of Agustín, several feet away from Mirabel. You weren't sure what to call her anymore, but her name.

Earlier in the week, she was Bel. Your best friend, practically your sister, and your closest companion. She was the one you told all your secrets to. You trusted her with everything. You trusted her with your worries, and your fears. Then you betrayed her trust, and she became...Mirabel. The girl who'd secretly despised you for years, because everyone thought you'd taken her gift. Because you were special, and the family actually paid attention to you. Even if it wasn't for you, but for your gift, at least they accepted you.

You stood there for a while, before you were taken completely off guard by a sudden hug. You stumbled, but she wouldn't let you fall. Not again.


Her hair tickled your cheek, and you could hear her light breath against your neck as she spoke. Softly, so only you could hear her.

"I'm so sorry, y/n..." Her grip around your shoulders tightened, and her own shoulders scrunched up to her neck. Unsure how to respond, you wrapped your arms around her waist, burying your face in her neck. The family all stood around the two of you, unsure of what to say, but sure of the ache and the fear of losing both of you. The immense joy and relief of seeing both of you, upright and okay, set their hearts at ease. Even if they had nowhere to live, no magical gifts to get them by, they at least had each other again.

The silence between you stretched for several long seconds before Mirabel pulled back, her hands still holding onto yours. They trembled, but you thought little of it.

"Why did you save me?" she suddenly asked, much louder this time. Her eyes were wide, but you sensed a touch of fear in her voice. She was afraid of your answer, or of what you'd say. Perhaps she thought you would expose her for her cruel, harsh words against you. Perhaps she was afraid your intention wasn't to save her, but to extinguish yourself because of her words. She could have been afraid of anything, but in this moment, you couldn't bring yourself to remember what she'd said. were just relieved that she walked away alright.

"Because..." You looked at your friend—yes, friend—and at her family. The love in their eyes for Mirabel, and for you, was unmistakable. You tried mirroring that same look at Mirabel, hoping she understood. "You're my family." It was true. Despite the hell the family has been through these past couple of days, you still found yourself defending Mirabel. Against Alma, against the fall of Casita, against the world. "You're my best friend." Again, also true. She'd been your go-to Madrigal from day one. You trusted her. "I love you." You did. You always have. She, and the rest of the Madrigals, were your family. You've never known another. "I'd never want to see you hurt."

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