Chapter Eight

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**A/N: Hey y'all! Thank you so much for 300+ reads! I am so super crazy excited that you guys like my book so far. Also, up top is a pic of a few different versions on how I imagine the character to be, but this is just me. This is my personal image of Y/n. I'm not saying this is how she looks for all of you, so please no hate. Please let me know in the comments which one you like best, and I will include my art starting on chapter 10 ;) Also also, please remember to like, follow, comment, WHATEVER, I really like being able to interact with my readers! Love y'all, and please enjoy the following sucky little chapter I just thought of after a week of utter bedlam :)**

Dolores was never all that great with loud noises. Not when she was at the center of it all, nor when it came from a distance. She still heard it all the same. So when a loud 'thud' sounded in her ears from directly above her head, she visibly jumped, dropping the basket of clean linens she'd been carrying.

The small army of various small mammals at her feet scattered when the basket fell, alerting Camilo down the hall when one of the lemurs came running at him. He'd just come sneaking out of the kitchen with a handful of Tía Julieta's buñuelos when he became a post for this lemur, and he followed the sounds of someone's shattered breaths until he found the source. Turning the corner and seeing his sister was a shock, and within a matter of seconds he was already at her side.

"Dolores, what happened?"

Looking over at her brother, Dolores found it even harder to try and pull together whatever had happened.

"Upstairs...someone fell." Confusion painted Camilo's face as he absently glanced upward, finding nothing but the wooden ceiling. "They haven't gotten up."

Camilo's eyes suddenly widened, and Dolores had to grab his wrist before he sprinted up the stairs on his own.

"I've got to go and see who it is," he protested, failing to twist out of her grip. "Maybe I can help them."

Dolores wasn't fooling around when she yanked her brother backwards into her, and he yelped.

"You are not going on your own, you hear me?" Her voice was more of a harsh whisper in Camilo's ear, and he nodded vigorously. "We can't let anyone know yet that anything's wrong. Everything about today has to be absolutely perfect for dinner later. Unless you want to explain to Abuela that something's gone wrong...?" Camilo's eyes widened in fear, and he shook his head.

Releasing her brother, Camilo resisted the urge to curse as he fell to the floor. He looked up at Dolores, and raised his hand for a thumbs up.

Dolores picked up the basket behind her and set it on the counter, and helped Camilo to his feet. Then, calmly, the two of them walked until they approached the stairs, ascending them quietly.

"Do you know who it is?" Camilo asked. Dolores shook her head, tilting it to try and hear if they were saying anything. She heard nothing but shallow breaths and the flicker of the miracle candle.

"They're in Abuela's room."

"But Abuela's out in town?"

"Then it's someone else. They're in Abuela's room though."

Creeping up to Abuela's door, Dolores was mere inches away from the doorknob when a flowering vine shot up and crossed in front of the door, blocking anyone from going in.

"What are you two doing?" Isabela questioned from in front of her own door, leaning forward on the rails of the balcony. Both Dolores and Camilo stiffened as they turned to the sound of their cousin's voice, and Dolores withdrew her hand.

"We're looking for someone," she told Isabela. "I heard something in here, so I thought they might be there."

Isabela didn't look convinced, leaning back and folding her arms over her chest. She raised a suspicious brow at Dolores' words, rolling her eyes as she waved her hand to lower the vine.

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