Chapter Twelve

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In a bit of a start, Mirabel and Isabela both sat up, eyes wide as though caught in the middle of a lie. Various flower petals fell from their hair, and Mirabel's glasses were a little crooked.

When Isabela saw her abuela charging towards her, her eyes darted downward to her dress, fearfully cowering under the woman's harsh stare. Mirabel's expression, however, did not match her sister's in any way, instead a wide smile plastered her face which spread to hopeful stars in her eyes. It almost pained you to see the excitement on Mirabel's face, and the raw fear on Isabela's, knowing very well how this would eventually play out.

"Abuela!" As Isabela cleared away the carpet of flowers which had broken their fall in a fine, rose-scented dust, Mirabel excitedly approached her grandmother with high energy and a rapidly beating heart. "It's okay," she reassured the older woman, "everything's—we're gonna save the miracle! The magic—"

"What are you talking about?" Abuela insisted, frustrated and visibly upset. "Look at our home. Look at your sister!" She gestured wildly at Isabela as she spoke, who hung her head in shame under her grandmother's watchful eye. You followed Abuela's hand as she spoke, which was shaking terribly. The foreign look in her eyes expelled a viscous, roaring anger, but also a soft whisper of fear.

 The foreign look in her eyes expelled a viscous, roaring anger, but also a soft whisper of fear

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"Please, just—" Mirabel looked between Abuela and Isabela, and at you. "Isabela wasn't happy, and—"

"Of course she isn't happy," Abuela interrupted. "You ruined her proposal!" Without much thinking, you opened your mouth to protest, though before you could even get a word out, Mirabel was already defending both herself, and her sister.

"No, no she needed me to ruin her proposal," Mirabel quipped, then gestured to the wilds which had taken over the courtyard. "Then we did all of this, and the candle burned brighter, and the cracks—"


Abuela's tone wavered dangerously close to an edge, as she glowered down at Mirabel, so lost in her own words she didn't notice when Casita began to crumble. Loose bits and pieces of the roof rained down into your hair in soft touches, and you looked up nervously as you chewed your lip. You looked pleadingly with seemingly no one, gazing out into the courtyard in hopes this wouldn't turn out as you'd already begun to suspect.

"That's why I'm in the vision," Mirabel announced gleefully, "I'm saving the miracle!"

"You have to stop, Mirabel!" A soft rumble echoed from somewhere behind you, and a cold draft blew through the courtyard as Pepa's gut dropped. You could hear several pairs of shuffling feet, and the Madrigals poured into the courtyard. Pepa no longer stood behind you, but her storm brewed darkly above you.

Your gift, of course, reacted bitterly towards the tone in Abuela's voice. A dark echo of forgotten whispers clouded your mind, and an even darker mist clouded your feet. It grew cold in la Casa Madrigal, which usually housed bright, colorful dance and cheerful song. Now, you would much rather be anywhere else in the world but where you were right now.

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