🐆- | Chapter Two | -🌳

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Like (most) every other Madrigal grandchild, you were assigned a job from the moment people from town began pouring in. Abuela told everyone it was a good way to serve the community, but when all was said and all was done, it really just turned out to be a load of busywork.

 Abuela told everyone it was a good way to serve the community, but when all was said and all was done, it really just turned out to be a load of busywork

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Luisa, of course, was tasked with handling all the remaining heavy-lifting, as well as donkey valet services. You wondered how she could possibly manage so much on her own like that, but then you remembered she didn't have much of a choice. Tonight had to be perfect. Meaning no complaints, per the norm. No slip-ups, per the norm. No cause to give the people of the Encanto a reason to doubt the power and will of the magic.

Isabela (as much as it annoyed you to every extent) was doing a decent job with entertaining the townsfolk as they walked in, drowning them in rosebuds and carnations. Various flower petals and flowery scents danced in the wind, which blew softly through the courtyard like a whisper. You figured Pepa must have finally calmed herself down. Dolores held a similar position as Luisa, which entailed the basic duty of entertaining. She was the town gossip, mainly thanks to her gift, so she made conversation quite easily. Many people found her to be a wonderful conversation partner, and though she wasn't as popular as Isabela, there were many young, suitable men who followed her about, each vying for her attention. One would think she'd be rather uncomfortable in such a situation, but she simply walked along effortlessly, paying them no extra mind.

You wandered Casita for a while before Abuela assigned you a task with the rest of the grandchildren, looking for Mirabel and Antonio, but too little prevailed. You figured they had to be somewhere they didn't want to be found, so for the time being, you let them be. If anyone could find Antonio, it was Mirabel. If anyone could get him to come out of his hiding spot, it was Mirabel.

When Abuela did finally catch you, she assigned you the task of greeting the townsfolk as they came in. You took the opportunity mainly to talk to Luisa in the front, between her various smaller tasks. You managed to convince her to sit, once, but it only lasted about seven seconds before someone else called for her help with something. You watched her work, and again wondered how it was physically possible she hadn't collapsed from sheer exhaustion yet.

 You watched her work, and again wondered how it was physically possible she hadn't collapsed from sheer exhaustion yet

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