Chapter Six

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Bruno hadn't known what to do when he saw you fall. Acting on instinct rather than sense, he rushed forward and extended his arms out to catch you before you hit your head on the floor. In an attempt to juggle you into an upright position, he nestled you in his hold, muttering under his breath.

Cradling you into his chest, he wondered if showing you your vision was the best thing for you. He hadn't known of your panic attacks, or what your gift was really doing to you. It seemed, indeed, your gift had been more like a curse. From what he'd just seen, it was growing hard for you to be able to control it, or to separate your gift from yourself. It wasn't just an accessory like it was for the rest of the family, but more like an actual extension of you. It was worrisome, and parts of his years-long suspicions started making sense.

 It was worrisome, and parts of his years-long suspicions started making sense

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You were breathing rather raggedly, even in your sleep. Your brows furrowed, and you clenched your fists as if grasping for a thread to hold onto. Bruno had noticed before that you were wearing Camilo's ruana, but only now figured out why. He could hear you muttering his name in your sleep, and you gripped the soft fabric between your fingers as though it was your last ledge to dangle from. Either the two of you had something going on, or the boy was your comfort. Your warmth. What you were for everyone else, Camilo must have been for you. Perhaps it was both? Either way...he had to get you out of the walls. Back up to your room. But how?

Figuring there was no other way, Bruno set his shoulders back, wrapped one arm behind your back, hooked the other under your bent knees, and stood.

You were much lighter than he'd thought you'd be, commenting to himself under his breath about it. He laughed a little, finding the irony of it humorous. But then he bit his lip, and used his foot to nudge the door open.

With extreme caution not to hit your head on anything between the walls, Bruno took special care in ducking and weaving between loose beams, and when he approached the chasm in the flooring, he wanted to cry. Repositioning you so he had you on his back, he held tight to your ankles around his waist, and your wrists in front of him, and jumped. Thank GOD he'd successfully reached the other side, and he had to set you down for a moment to let the adrenaline dissipate before he acted recklessly. Watching your unconsciousness slump, he figured maybe he should just keep being careful, and get you back to your room as quickly as possible.

When he finally approached the makeshift portrait door, Bruno's nervousness increased about tenfold. Quietly, he creaked it open, and peeked his head out to survey the surroundings. Luckily no one seemed to be out here so early, and he shifted you around in his arms so he could carefully step out from his hiding spot, without dropping you, or making too much noise. When his feet hit the tile, he breathed out a sigh of pure relief. At least, until he turned his head and saw Dolores standing behind him with her arms folded over her chest.

"You're very loud when you want to be Tío, you know that?" Bruno but back a shout of surprise, and there was a brief moment Bruno considered letting you fall, but then he kicked that part of his brain and clutched your unconscious form, refusing to let you go that easily.

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