Chapter Sixteen

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Casita's tiles, dancing a familiar melody, greeted the family and the townsfolk as they walked in, in awe of the wonderful warmth of the miracle once more. Antonio's animals flooded the courtyard with colorful patterns and exotic sounds, the jaguar sweeping the young boy off his feet as it ran laps around the open area.

The Madrigals seemed relieved, and renewed. They built their home from the ground up, and restored the magic, revitalizing the miracle with it. Pepa and Félix danced in the steady fall of hail, Pepa smiling brighter knowing she was finally free. Tío Agustín and Tía Julieta smothered Mirabel with kisses, all of whom wore such joyous expressions it made your heart leap. Tío Bruno stood close by, smiling so wide his cheeks half covered his eyes. He finally had his family back. Isabela, some ways off, spun around in new colorful patterns, her dress and hair stained with dust, but she'd never looked happier. Luisa, shockingly, was lying back with a drink in a nearby hammock, relaxing. The sight was both foreign and wonderful. Dolores and Mariano, the new couple, stood glued to each other's side. Dolores had never been happier. As for Camilo...he couldn't stop looking at you. He couldn't let go of your hand, as hard as he tried. Or didn't try. Whatever the case, he finally had you. That was all he'd ever wanted.

Over these past few days, so much has changed within the family. Everyone seemed so free, and relieved. Without their gifts, they didn't have to worry about the tremendous weight and responsibility that came with them. The Encanto had come, over the past 50 years, to depend on them to survive. But it took losing them for the family to realize that they were indeed "more than just their gifts." They were people. People with lives that should have been lived. People with feelings, and emotions. Both of which had been suppressed for so long you almost wondered if there was a way out of the void. You wondered that for yourself all too often, too. But then Camilo, somehow, pulled you out. He made you realize it was possible. You just had to see past what you could do to see who you were. Even if that part wasn't all that clear for you...the family seemed to know.

Honestly, you worried if getting their gifts back after not having them for a period of time would set them back to their old ways...but that didn't seem to be the case at all. Sure they used them, and they always would, but they weren't no longer using them only for everyone else. They used them for themselves. That was what was most important.

Isabela used her gift to change her appearance, and make herself comfortable in her own skin. No more Little-Miss-Prim-And-Perfect. She made herself a version of awesome only she could achieve for herself.

Luisa, despite having her strength back, finally let herself stop and take a break. She didn't have to be strong for everybody else.

Pepa let herself feel things other than repressed obedience. She let it hail, and she danced in it. She was finally free.

The Madrigals were free.

Even wondered what that would mean for you.

Holding your palm to the sky, you summoned a bit of black mist, watching as it swirled in dark tendrils between your fingers, across your palm, spilling around your wrist. Biting your lip, you clenched your fist, therefore expelling it. When you opened your palm again, a delicate flicker of light suddenly appeared, growing in brightness and volume. You heaved out a soft sigh of relief, and the intense brightness caught several eyes of attention. Camilo slid up behind you, resting a chin on your shoulder. He clamped his hand over yours, extinguishing the light as you willed it away. He pulled your hand to wrap around yourself, and he lifted you up from behind to spin you. You let out a little squeal, laughing as the world turned to a colorful blur.

Perhaps your past didn't matter so much. Perhaps it did. Whatever the case, you were happy now. That wasn't going to change any time soon. You had a family. You had Camilo. You had the incredible gift of bringing light to the Encanto. You had the beautiful song in the air. You had joy.

You had the Encanto.

"Everyone, together!"

A flurry of movement swarmed the courtyard as the family came together for a picture. Camilo picked you up as the two of you ran to catch up, dropping you between him and Tío Bruno for the picture.

"I'm proud of you, Mariposita," Tío Bruno told you as everyone squeezed together. "You've done so well."

"Te amo, Tío."

The man smiled and wrapped an arm over your shoulder, squeezing you into a half hug before kissing the top of your head.

"Everyone ready?"

A sudden thought crossed your mind, and you turned your head to Camilo. The boy smiled widely, and winked. Smirking, you decided to play a little trick on him.

"¡La Familia Madrigal!"

Gripping the front of his ruana tight in your fists, you pulled the shapeshifter forward and crashed your lips into his

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Gripping the front of his ruana tight in your fists, you pulled the shapeshifter forward and crashed your lips into his. His cheeks flushed a bright red and his eyes shot open wide, giving him an adorable, flustered expression.

Just before you sensed the shutter would go off, you released Camilo for the picture. You could hear Félix whistle, and let out a hearty chuckle. You giggled to yourself.

"¡La Familia Madri—woah!"

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"¡La Familia Madri—woah!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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