Chapter Nine

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**A/N: Welp I'm back everyone! Please enjoy the following chapter because I had SO MUCH FUN writing it! Also, please feel free to leave likes and comments! I love reading those you guys, seriously! So. Many. PICTURES 😆😆😆**


The girl turned when she heard you call her name, her hand-embroidered shoulder bag clutched tightly in her hands. You'd just walked out of your room, before Camilo, and caught sight of your closest friend standing numbly in the center of the hallway. She stared off into the view of the mountains bordering the Encanto, as though she had a chance to find some kind of deep-rooted answer out there if she looked hard enough. Her eyes void of all expression contrasted the image of her smile, which you knew was simply out of a courtesy.

"Y/n," she greeted, her knuckles turning white around the strap of her bag. "You alright?"

Forcing yourself to believe Mirabel didn't know about your injury, you shrugged nonchalantly and nodded your head.

"Yeah. Got a nap in and let myself rest a bit. But what about you? You look tense."

As if by simply hearing the word, Mirabel's shoulders stiffened and her back straightened up to resemble a board. Her eye twitched uncomfortably, and you narrowed a skeptic eye on her.

"Mirabel, what's bothering you? You've been off all day."

The girl's face twisted into that state of confliction from earlier that morning, and she looked at you with something in her eye you didn't recognize. It was like a mix between dread and the desire to let go of some of the weight bearing down on her shoulders. You rested a soothing hand on your friend's shoulder, which brought Mirabel's eyes up to look at you.

"Y/n...I'm not sure I can tell you. Err...ask you, actually."


You'd hoped that would get her to say something, and much to your surprised delight, Mirabel Madrigal was weak when it came to that tone of voice. Especially from you, or Julieta.

"Okay...but we have to go somewhere private. I don't want anyone else hearing." You paused to raise a finger to interject an opposition to the statement, but Mirabel beat you to naming the technicality. "Other than Dolores." Nodding, you allowed Mirabel to lead you into her room, which was basically just the nursery with a little added touches of Mirabel's.

You still remembered the year you'd stayed in this room, sharing a bed with Mirabel while Camilo slept on the other one on the opposite side of the room. The many sleepless nights the three of you had shared filled your heart with nostalgia as you looked around at the tarnished wallpaper, covered in drawings and crayon marks. And the one little hole in the wall from when you'd first arrived, and threw a punch at the wall. In your own defense, you were incredibly frustrated with the fact that you didn't remember anything.

Watching as Mirabel closed the door behind you, you sat yourself on Mirabel's bed and waited for her to talk to you about whatever was going on with her. She'd been acting strange lately, ever since Antonio's gifting ceremony, and you wanted to know if she was okay.

"You're probably gonna think I'm crazy," she began, pulling her bag over her head and holding it in her arms. You could hear something like glass clinking within, and you stretched upward to try and peer inside, but she held it closed, and close to her stomach. She chewed on her bottom lip, thinking up a hot pot of words to try and explain to you what had happened. What she'd found.

"What makes you say that?"

Taking a seat beside you, Mirabel finally let you peek into her bag. You sucked in a breath and widened your eyes at the sight of several shattered pieces of emerald glass, pale white images reflecting back at you. They radiated an eerie green glow, much like the vision Bruno had shown you just last night, of your future. Undecided. Interpretable. You recalled him telling you of the vision he'd given Mirabel, and how he'd left that behind in his vision cave before running away. That meant Mirabel had to have snuck in earlier and found it. But...why?

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