i. emerald eyes

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CHAPTER ONE ─── emerald eyes 

CHAPTER ONE ─── ❛ emerald eyes ❜

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𝕾tasiaj Yahontov had known for a long time that she was being watched. Eyes had followed her around since she was five years old and new to the streets, scars marring her neck and face. They'd leered, watching and waiting, often followed by hands that grabbed and pulled at her hair and clothes, the memory of which would still wake her in the night.

But, by no small miracle, she had managed to escape from the fear. The eyes that once leered at her now turned away in fear, not daring to look anywhere further than her boots. The hands that had touched found themselves sinking to the bottom of the river, tied to a heavy rock. She never hid what she did and they had learnt their lesson after that.

They'd learnt that to mess with someone who wove secrets as easily as others would wool was not someone that they should challenge. But, when the misinformed soul did, others would watch on as he was brought to his knees with a sharp smirk and a volley of words that wrapped around his very mind like an iron grip. She would squeeze once, and they would crumble to the floor. 

You did not challenge the queen of secrets to a game unless you were prepared, and you never knew what poison she would spill from her painted lips. It was what had made her so dangerous, a snake in the grass around her.

Thus, her name had been forged. Stasiaj Yahontov, the Snake of the Barrel.

But at this moment, Stasiaj did not look like the feared Snake. She was curled in a chair, her war paint long gone and her hair twisted up atop her head. On the desk ahead of her were pages of information, each one sent to her by a puppet that she controlled.

Once the Snake became aware of you, she never truly let you leave her tight grip, often choking all the information from their bodies until they were husks of who they once were, positioned in high places to do as the Snake bid them to. Stasiaj would have once felt sorry, but now, she did not care. They most likely deserved it. 

She huffed, cracking her neck as she read the page. A lower level gang member for Pekka Rollins gang had sent it to her in exchange for her not releasing to his wife certain information that he'd want to keep hidden. Stasiaj hadn't yet decided if the information was enough, though she was wondering if she should release the information anyway.

She was growing bored with the calmness in the Barrel as of late.

A knock on her door caused the girl to lean back and cock an eyebrow.


"Miss Stasiaj, it's me." The door cracked open and a head peeked around it, revealing the eldest of her vipers. He slipped in, shutting the door and joining her side.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋 ↦ Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now