iii. past

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CHAPTER THREE ─── ❛ past ❜

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"𝕾nake." Stasiaj looked up at the sound of an aggravated voice, a grin already plastered on her face. She liked the sound of anger, especially when it was aimed at her. It promised an argument and more information for her ears so anger was good. 

It was safe.

"Snake, what did you tell him?" She hummed, not even bothering to look at Kaz Brekker as he came stomping up the stairs to glare down at her. She continued to ignore him even as he hovered, like some form of persistent fly above a dead body. "Snake!"

"What do you think of my new painting, Bastard?" Stasiaj grinned up at the Dekappel, tilting her head at the sight of the Fold in all it's glory. "It's wonderful, yes? And it's in such a good position too. See how the moon hits it just right."

"What did you tell Pekka Rollins?" Stasiaj finally tore her eyes away from the Dekappel, turning to look up at the taller teenager, who was scowling fiercely. His hair was a mess, a bruise forming on the side of his face and he was leaning on his cane more than normal.

"Oh dear, you seem to have been in a fight. Everything alright?" She furrowed her eyebrows in fake sympathy. "Did they hurt you too badly?"



"-The only reason I was in a fight is because Pekka Rollins turned up at the Crow Club to warn me off the job!" Kaz hissed. "Did he know about us on the job through you?"

"Oh yes, he did know about that. I remember now."

"So you did tell him?"

"Yes." Stasiaj smiled in an infuriating sort of way, folding her arms behind her back. "Why? Was it important for me not to?"

"You said you wouldn't tell anyone and of course it was important!"

"Oh I never said that." Stasiaj shook her head, her blonde hair down and floating around her shoulders. "I never said anything of the sort and you didn't ask me not to tell anyone. In fact, you didn't ask me if I had already told anyone."

Kaz froze, his eyes narrowing.

"Who else knows about this job?" Stasiaj's grin turned into a cocky smirk. "Snake..."

"Everyone." Stasiaj beamed, very pleased with her work. "It was a bit too quiet for my liking and just like you do your jobs, I wanted to go back to doing mine. More people vying for one thing, the more they come to me and the more information I get. It's a very beneficial cycle."

"Not for me." Kaz growled.

"Well, I did ask you if you wanted to ask me any other questions and you said no."

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋 ↦ Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now