iv. sea salt

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CHAPTER FOUR ─── sea salt 

CHAPTER FOUR ─── ❛ sea salt ❜

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𝕿o say that Stasiaj Yahontov was surprised was an understatement. 

She had thought that, when she became Snake, she had heard near to every horror story imaginable. She had heard of torture, of children being kidnapped from their homes, of Grisha slaughtering entire villages. But, of everything that she had heard, Kaz Brekker's past was truly one of the worst.

She sat in her chair, looking down at the information ahead of her with narrowed eyes. She knew of Kaz Brekker's past now, but the cost was different.

Ever since she and Kaz had developed their working relationship, everything had been based on trust. They both trusted the other enough not to kill them, or take advantage of them. Now that Stasiaj held something over his head, that relationship had changed. She held all of the power.

For once, she didn't know what to do with it.

In some ways, it was Kaz Brekker's own fault. He had known her long enough to know that she held no remorse for others. That she would expose anyone's weak points to get where she needed to, yet still, he had made this deal with something she would, and could, expose at any point. So yes, maybe Stasiaj was cruel, but Kaz was stupid. 

She didn't quite know which was worse.

As the break of daylight hit her face, Stasiaj finally stood from her chair, grabbing her over coat, and leaving her home to head onto the street. There was no one about, the streets were quiet and it gave Stasiaj time to think.

She found herself at the docks, staring down at a familiar patch of stones between the third and fourth docking areas for ships. It was her usual thinking place, for it was one of the first places she could remember being in Ketterdam. She had only been five when she first arrived.

If she looked, she could probably still see the little girl with scarred hands and torn nails, clutching onto her dress and shivering from the sea. That little girl would have cried at Kaz's story most likely, she would have been sorry, would have helped. The fifteen year old who existed now didn't think she could feel that sort of emotion.

Her five year old self would hate her, that's for sure. Stasiaj knew that to be true, before turning and striding back towards the Crow Club. Maybe, she could offer Kaz one last bit of information, for free this time, to make up for all that had happened. It would be a gesture of good faith, Stasiaj supposed.  Maybe it would do nothing, and help no one but it would appease her five year old self at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋 ↦ Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now