ii. heartrender

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CHAPTER TWO ─── heartrender 

CHAPTER TWO ─── ❛ heartrender ❜

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𝕾tasiaj Yahontov fought a smirk, keeping her painted lips still as she turned her head slightly. The door had opened behind her, and the only one who ever did that without knocking was the other well known teenager in the Barrel.

"I thought I felt a coldness at my door. To what do I owe the pleasure, Dirtyhands?" She spun on her heel, cocking an eyebrow at the lanky teen, who was already scowling at her words.

Kaz Brekker and her had an interesting relationship, to put it mildly. Neither of them truly liked one another, but they knew that they could help each other. So they remained as civil as they could manage, keeping their distance where possible. Kaz, on one hand, made his hatred known, but Stasiaj found that it annoyed him more if she was as flirty and jokey as possible. Dirtyhands was about as serious as they came.

"Snake." He didn't sit at her desk, hovering in her doorway like a persistent shadow as Stasiaj cocked an eyebrow in question. "The Dreesen job, what do you know about it?"

"That's not the way this works, Bastard." She finally allowed herself to grin in the most infuriating way she knew how, before sinking into her seat. "You give me something that I want, and I provide you with information."

"The stolen Dekappel. I have it." Kaz muttered, his jaw clenched in anger as Stasiaj smirked. Making Kaz Brekker angry was one of Stasiaj Yahontov's all time favourite things to do. His reactions were incredibly funny. "I'll give it to you."

"Wonderful. I needed some new art for my hallway. It was looking rather bare," Stasiaj nodded, wondering which corridor to hang it in. "Dreesen wants a crew to cross the Fold for a million kruge, but you already knew that because your Wraith was following him. What your Wraith did not see was who they brought from the ship. Maybe you need to get a new Wraith."

"I assume your vipers did." Kaz ignored Stasiaj's taunt, knowing that if he played into it, she'd just laugh and twist his words around.

"Aye, they did." Stasiaj chuckled, opening her pot of toffee to take a piece. "My vipers are very good at what they do, they watch carefully and report back to me especially when it is an East Ravkan soldier that they bring from the ship. The same East Ravkan soldier who ran across the Fold, from one side to the other."

"You're lying to me."

"I don't lie, Bastard." Stasiaj sighed, before crossing her legs and leaning across the desk to watch him. "They think they found the Sun Summoner."

"You're definitely lying to me." He huffed, eyebrows furrowing in what would have been an intimidating glare, if Stasiaj had not grown up in the back alleys of this godsforsaken place.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋 ↦ Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now