4. Comfort.

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"Oh god.." I mumbled as Brett and Jacob started to square up to each other. Casey and I pulled them away from each other. I held back Brett and Casey held back Jacob. I had my arms around Brett's torso, trying to pull him back as I heard him growl again. What is with this boy and growling?

"Brett, calm down." I ordered and he pulled back a little bit, just a little bit, but he was still really strong. "Brett please,"

"Why is he here?" Brett asked as he pulled back, making me almost fall over.

"I don't know," I admitted before I turned to Jacob, "what are you doing here?"

"To see if it's true, which it is." He shot back, a look of disgust on his face.

"You didn't treat her right.." Brett answered, Casey snorted. "And you, Hattie's your best friend, you shouldn't be siding with him, you should be supporting her."

"Uh, I'm not siding with anyone, they're both cheating swines." She retorted sending us both an eye roll. I bit my tongue, I wanted to tell her that it wasn't true, that this was all a big misunderstanding. But with Jacob there? No chance.

"Well, now you know that it's true you can both go away and leave us in peace." I said, while walking away from Brett and over to the door. I opened it revealing the pizza man. Perfect timing..

"That's 15$ please," he said making me force a smile as I handed him the money. I took the pizza out of his hands and walked back into the house.

"Please just leave," I said quietly, looking at the floor, I felt ashamed of myself for lying but, either way, Brett and I both would be class as liars.

'How dare she, she knew how much I liked Brett,' Casey thought making my eyes go wide as I continued to look at the floor. Not once had she mentioned her feelings for Brett, if not I would not have done this.

"You heard Hattie, leave." Brett warned, the hatred in his voice descending on me. I looked up, but only at Brett. I couldn't face Casey or Jacob but it seemed I didn't need to. They both left without another word leaving Brett and I in awkward silence. Brett turned to me making me turn away.

"Your heart is beating very fast," he said softly making me turn to him again.

"What is with you?" I asked rather aggressively, "how do you know that?"

Brett didn't seem phased by my question, he just smirked.

"I have my secrets, now, shall we get back to the pizza?" He asked as he walked over to the pizza box. "I'm so hungry!"

"Hungry for trouble," I whispered making him send me a glare. He stood up straight looking at me expectantly.

"What's with you?" He asked making me laugh.

"What's with me? What's with you? You're so strange!" I told him, plus, it was annoying that I couldn't hear his thoughts. And what's even more annoying? He's just so god damn hot..

"Alright miss I'm-so-perfect, calm down." He laughed making me even more annoyed.

"Perfect?" I asked, "I don't think I'm perfect, in fact I think I'm far from it."

"Hmm, ok princess." He smirked making me groan.

"Don't," I warned, "call me that!"

"Why not, princess?" He asked making me sigh.

"Fuck off, Brett." I told him, only making his smirk grow which made me even more pissed off.

"Have I hit a nerve?" He asked, making me narrow my eyes.

"I'm going to hit you in a minute!" I informed him making him laugh.

"Go on then sweetie, show me what you've got." He encouraged making me step forward and swing for him. Only he caught my hand mid air. I gasped as I looked at my fist in his enclosed hand. I then had another wave of annoyance flush through me making me swing my other arm in the direction of his face, he caught that one too. He spun me around as I started to struggle to get my fists out of his grip so my back was against his chest and my arms were crossed over my own chest. I groaned as I heard his chuckle, feeling the vibrations on my back. I started to push him backwards with my butt.

"Don't do that Hattie," he warned, suddenly becoming serious. I smirked as I pushed him back into the wall, only there was no where for me to go. "Oh no." I heard him whisper before I felt something poke my butt. I stopped pushing into him and laughed.

"Is that what I think it is?" I asked hearing Brett cough awkwardly.

"Yeah," he admitted making me laugh harder.

"Oh Brett.." I started but he cut me off by letting me go and shoving me forwards. I almost fell forward but Brett caught me and pulled me back again, spinning me around to face him. I let out a surprised gasp as my face was brought close to his.

"I know you want me Hattie." He said lowly, his eyes scanning mine for my reaction. I didn't answer which resulted in him pulling me closer, his lips hitting mine at such a pace it all hit me at once, the realisation of how much I really did want him. I found myself pulling him closer into me, my hands roaming his body, and his hands finding their place on my butt. He deepened the kiss by running his tongue along my bottom lip allowing me to open my mouth. Brett started to walk me back this time, only there wasn't a wall behind me. I was too caught up in the heat of the moment to think of the consequences. I felt my back hit a cabinet causing something to fall off and the loud smash of it hitting the ground made me pull away from Brett.

I moved my face down to see what had fallen. And as my eyes trailed over the smashed picture on the ground I felt sick to the stomach. It was almost like Brett knew it was important because he let go of me and bent down to pick up the picture. The white frame had been cracked and the glass had also been smashed, but what hurt me most was that the sharp pieces of glass had ripped the only picture of my dad and I.

"Hattie," Brett said softly and I fought back the tears as I stared at the precious picture of the last memory I had with my dad. "I-I," he paused as he looked down at the picture, "I'm so sorry."

I couldn't bring myself to say anything, I concentrated on trying not to feel bad, I tried to tell myself that it wasn't my fault. But as the memory came flooding back I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"1, 2, 3," mum called as dad and I stood in the garden, our arms around each other in our last hug.

"Hattie," dad said softly as I turned to him, trying to be optimistic, "I'll be back soon, but I want you to promise me you'll keep that picture safe."

Without hesitation I nodded, "I promise, dad." Dad smiled as he held out his pinky.

"Pinky promise?" He asked and I returned the smile as I put my own pinky in his.

"Pinky promise."

I sniffled as I bent down beside Brett and picked up the picture, the glass cut my finger causing blood to go on the picture. Brett grabbed my hand and tried to take the picture out of it. I wouldn't let him have it.

"Hattie, you'll get blood on it, let go," he said softly but I still wouldn't let go. "Come on, don't ruin it-"

"It's already ruined Brett!" I shouted, my tears blurring my vision, "it's already ruined." Brett stopped trying to get the picture out of my hands and instead he pulled me into him. And so there I was, sitting in Brett's arms, crying like a baby. But I missed him, and it made me feel so much worse when mum was going out trying to date again all so soon. I want her to be happy, but not one of the guys she has brought home in the past year has been good enough, but I guess I'm just scared of them trying to replace my dad. And as I looked down at the picture once more, I realised that no matter how hard they try, no one will ever be able to replace my dad.

But what about Brett? Why was he still here while I was like this? Whenever I tried to speak to Jacob about it he'd tell me it makes him uncomfortable when I cry. But I was thankful for him comforting me, and maybe that was something I needed... A little bit of comfort.

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