16. The Only One For Me.

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The song's I listened to while writing this;

The Veronicas -Untouched.

The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather.

Youth- Daughter.

Tom Odell- Another Love.

Bastille- Oblivion.

"Brett, is this the part where you kill me?" I asked, getting confused as he dragged me through the woods.

"Wow, do you really think that low of me?" He replied, as he pulled me into a clearing. "Mom gave me the keys for this."

"For wha-" I cut myself off as my eyes trailed over the lake house. "Holy shit."

"We're spending the weekend here," He informed me, but I was too caught up with the sight of it. The house was large, it was quite modern, but it was beautiful. Where they got the money to pay for this i'll never know, but it's absolutely stunning. "Hattie.."

I turned to him, my lips slightly ajar.

"This is beautiful." I told him, taking in the wonderful sight again. "Why don't you live here?"

"I will when I'm of age." He answered. I scoffed.

"Of age? Doesn't your mom trust you living by yourself?" I asked, watching Brett smile slightly and look out at the dark water.

"No it's not that. She just want's me to have a house when i've found the one, so we can settle down and have a family. I think this is perfect." He sighed.

"Me too." I rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb and pulled him slightly. "Will you please give me a tour?"

I heard him chuckle slightly. I rolled my eyes, getting annoyed that I can't hear his thoughts. I'd love to know what he's thinking right now. But luckily, he's thinking out loud.

"First stop, master bedroom." He laughed before he pulled me up the cobble steps leading to the house. As we reached the door, Brett fumbled in his pocket for the keys all while never letting go of my hand. Once he unlocked the door, he pulled me in and let go of my hand. I looked around the large hall while he closed the door behind us and he pulled his jacket off. Now we were in better light I looked at Brett. His blue eyes seemed to sparkle, for a moment there was silence as his eyes met mine, but we both smiled.

"Come on," He called and he ran straight up the stairs.

"Hold on," I scolded as I attempted to follow him. "Brett!" By the time I reached the landing, he was out of sight. "Brett?" I walked over to the first door I saw and opened it, I looked around the room. It was huge, but it was clear that he wasn't in there. As I stepped out and closed the door again, I was spun around on my heel and pushed against the door, with Brett leaning against me, his eyes staring deep into mine, both of our breathing ragged as the atmosphere changed.

"Are you ready?" He asked, a smirk rising on his face. I bit my lip and nodded.

"For you? Always." I answered, just before his lips fell on mine. I seemed to melt at the touch of his lips against mine, so much that I moaned into the kiss. He pulled away, his eyes meeting mine again. I looked down for a moment and then back up. I began to laugh. He had a boner.

"What's so funny?" He asked. I shook my head and grabbed his hand, pulling him into me. Our lips collided again, and this time I swear I felt sparks. Brett tapped my thighs, making me jump and wrap my legs around him. His hands made their way up my thighs and settled on my ass as I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair. Brett began walking me backwards, to what I presume is the master bedroom. I used my hands to stop us falling into the walls as our kiss got even more heated by the second. My tongue found its way into his mouth and it made Brett moan. I pulled away and moved my lips to his neck, biting and sucking gently, hearing his breathing becoming ragged showed me that he liked it. He laid me back on the bed, and I didn't let go of him so he was practically lying on top of me. I pushed him to the side and rolled on top of him, I straddled him as his hands found their way to my ass again and I re-attached my lips to his neck.

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