15: after

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When Peter and Danny reentered the party, their suits a little askew, and hair a little ruffled, they were drunk. Messy, stupid, whiskey-breath drunk.

Andrea came trotting over to them immediately. Her brows were furrowed, and Danny realised he had never seen her without a frown before. "Where have you been?" She hissed in his ear, "You disappeared for an hour at your own party!"

Danny nudged her away, laughing giddily. He slung an arm over Peter's shoulder and pulled him into his side, "I've been with my friend."

"Can I remind you that this party is nothing more than a business meeting?" She lowered her voice further, "Are you drunk?"

He nodded, tugging Peter closer, "This is Pete, by the way." He told her.

Peter smiled widely at her, "Hi. We talked on the phone."

"Who are you?" She asked sharply.


"I know that." She rolled her eyes, "But who-?"

"It's a party, Andrea. Drink some champagne, do some coke, enjoy yourself." Danny encouraged her.

Andrea hooked an arm around his and dragged him outside, "Come with me."

Danny grabbed onto Peter's sleeve as he was being yanked away, pulling him along with him. He didn't want to lose him in the crowd because suddenly they were kids again, surrounded by people much wiser, and more mature than them. They had to cling to each other, to their adolescence, to avoid being sucked into it all too. Danny even forgot that this party was his, when he had been locked away in the games room with Peter, drinking from a two thousand dollar bottle of whiskey.

Suddenly they stopped, Andrea's arm still looped around Danny's, and Danny's fingers still curled into Peter's sleeve. They were back by the pool, beneath the moonlight, amongst classical music and floating white fairy lights. A girl with wild crimson red hair, and sharp black eyeliner stood in front of them, next to an extremely average man, who was holding his hand out for Danny to shake.

"Daniel." Andrea cleared her throat, "I'd like you to meet Vanessa Harding, and her manager, Chris."

Danny shook Chris' hand, then leant forward to kiss Vanessa on the cheek. Peter tried not to laugh as he watched Danny stumble over his laces, and grip onto Vanessa's shoulder for support. "Hey!" Danny exclaimed, "You're the one they want me to shag, right?"

Andrea chuckled nervously, "He's only kidding." She quickly said, "He knows this is merely a business transaction."

"Business transaction?" Peter scoffed, grabbing onto Danny's upper arm to avoid slipping, "What're you talking about?" He slurred.

Vanessa watched him with calculating eyes, "Who's this?" She asked Chris.

"M'Peter." Peter held out his hand and Vanessa shook it hesitantly, "What business transaction are you making?"

"They want me to fuck Vanessa." Danny whispered loudly, though everyone heard him. When he caught Andrea's disapproving expression, he rose his hands in surrender, "Sorry. They want me to pretend to fuck Vanessa."

Peter burst out laughing, "Why would you fuck Vanessa?"

"Is this a joke?" Chris spat at Andrea, "Your client is clearly drunk-"

"Ooh, are we telling jokes?" Danny asked excitedly, his smile growing, "I got a good one about a doctor and a-"

"Not the time, Daniel!" Andrea snapped.

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