40: before

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Danny and Scott were sharing a cheap motel room in London. It was the first weekend of October, and clouds loomed in the grey sky, throwing the city into shadows. The boys didn't mind; they were just happy to be in London, away from the trailer park. Away from Jenifer's moodiness and Peter's perpetual state of stress.

Of course, Danny had his own source of stress. He was here for the audition, and that simply terrified him. Acting had never been more than a hobby and a wild dream for him. And now, he was supposed to stand up in front of a group of professionals and recite lines from a script he had only been sent a couple of days ago.

That's why he had brought Scott. To warm him up with smiles and kiss him when he felt the anxiety rising a little too close to the surface.

They were walking through the city; past commuters, great big buses, looming tower blocks, noise, and pollution, and the buzz of energy. There were so many sounds and smells and things to gawk at. For the first time, Danny truly understood Scott's dream to live in the city. The atmosphere was electric. He was electric.

Scott's fingers brushed against Danny's, and for the first time, Danny reached out and took his hand in public. For the first time, he didn't care if anyone saw them. If anyone judged them. Because they were in the city. And it was electric. "God, this place is amazing." He hummed, leaning into Scott's side.

Scott smiled fondly, "Isn't it?"

"Your fantasy makes so much sense now." Danny sighed, "Maybe I should scrap acting. Live here with you instead. Fuck Hollywood."

Scott chuckled, "Acting exists outside of Hollywood, y'know?" He said in amusement, "You can be an actor and live in London."

"You're right." Danny agreed.

"You could work in the West End." Scott suggested, "Theatre actors are really well respected."

Danny nodded distractedly, "I could." He said, "Then we could think about getting that flat together. Two dreams in one; acting, and you."

Scott squeezed his hand affectionately, coming to a halt in front of a tall grey building. This was the studio where Danny's audition would take place. "Well," Scott let go of Danny's hand, "Your first dream awaits."

Danny combed his fingers through his hair nervously, "Right." He sighed, "And if it doesn't work out, I still have my other dream." He smiled shakily, leaning forward to plant a kiss on Scott's cheek.

"Good luck." Scott beamed encouragingly, "You're gonna be great."

"Let's hope so." Danny shrugged, "I'll see you later."

It was all a blur from there. A cheery receptionist, a half-empty waiting room, a long grey corridor, and a tall daunting door. Then he was reciting his name in front of a casting director and a camera. Lots of questions, forced small talk, and then the audition itself. He performed his piece, pretending he was back in drama club, stood in front of a gaggle of teenagers. If he didn't think about the stakes, his nerves seemed to mellow. If he didn't think about the fact that this audition was for the BBC, he didn't feel like he wanted to pass out.

When it was over, he met Scott in a cafe by the Thames. He was restless, running on adrenaline and caffeine. Scott only laughed, asking him a million questions about the audition, and congratulating him just as many times. But Danny couldn't relax, he was full of electricity from the city, and so he bolted out of the cafe, taking Scott with him. And when they got back to their motel room, they had some of the best sex they had ever had.

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