52: after

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A red Vauxhall Cavalier rolled through the winding country roads, swerving between the tall green mountains and foggy fields of sheep. Past lakes and trees and mist, the summer sun beaming down on the old car, a Radiohead song playing through the broken speaker.

Finally, the car pulled up outside a little stone cottage nestled between the mountains, flocks of sheep grazing in the surrounding fields. The cottage was the only sign of civilisation for miles. The only trace of mankind in a world ruled by nature.

Scott barely had time to shut the car door behind him when a five year old with a head of wild ginger curls came bursting out of the cottage, rushing towards him, arms wrapping around his legs, "Scott!" She exclaimed excitedly.

He chuckled, crouching down to reach Hannah's eye level, "Hey there, Hannie Bear." He grinned, pulling her into his chest for a tight hug. As he stood up, he gathered her up into his arms, shifting her weight in his grip, "You've gotten big, haven't you?" He laughed, carrying her towards the front door, "Let's go find your Mummy, hm?"

Jenifer was stood in the doorway, her cheeks glowing, lips pulled into an affectionate smile, "You're late."

He carefully dropped Hannah to her feet, rushing forward to trap Jenifer in a bone-crushing hug. "It's good to see you." He mumbled into her thick ginger hair.

She giggled, pinching his cheek teasingly, "It's good to see you, too, Scott."

He walked back over to his Vauxhall Cavalier and opened the back door, letting his dog burst out in a bolt of energy. She immediately began running laps around Hannah — who giggled ecstatically — before jumping up at Jenifer, pawing at her legs. "Oi!" Scott whistled, "Down, Vixen." He shut the car door and opened the boot, "Hey, Jen, help me unload the car, will you?"

Jenifer leant down, scratching Vixen behind the ear, fingers brushing through her thick fur. When the dog got bored and bounded over to Hannah, licking at her flushed cheeks, Jenifer joined Scott's side. She frowned as she stared down at the bags of food piled into the trunk of his car, "What's all this?"

"The reason I'm late." He grinned, handing her a couple of bags while grabbing the rest himself, "Thought we could have a barbecue tonight."

She peered into one of the bags, gaze catching the bottles of wine he had packed, "Sounds good to me." She grinned, leading him into the cottage.

Scott loved Jenifer's house; all warmth and light. Big fluffy cushions on colourful sofas, crooked paintings hanging on the walls, mismatched rugs, random ornaments she had found at art fairs. Pieces of Hannah shone through the entire cottage; finger paintings, baby photos, toys strewn across the floor, a half completed puzzle on the kitchen counter, and a dollhouse sat proudly in the centre of the living room.

Later that evening, while Hannah played with Vixen in the grass, Scott lit up the barbecue, and poured out a couple of glasses of red wine. He leant back against the stone wall, breathing in the fresh air, watching the flowers sway in the summer breeze, the sky painted pink as the sun sunk closer to the horizon. Jenifer's cottage was a slice of paradise, and he was sure that if there was a heaven, it would look like this.

Jenifer joined him a moment later, instantly picking up the glass of wine he had poured for her, "Right, the spare room is all set up." She smiled, leaning into his side, her head falling onto his shoulder.

Scott held up his glass, "Cheers."

Jenifer held hers up too, tapping it against his, "Cheers." She echoed, "To old friends."

He chuckled, "To old friends."

Scott saw Jenifer every Christmas and every summer. They were short visits, but they were precious, and he always treasured every moment of them. He loved getting out of the city for a few days, breathing in the fresh air of the Welsh countryside, living life at a slower pace for just a little while. He loved watching Hannah grow up, getting bigger every time he saw her, always so excited whenever he pulled up. Scott and Jenifer would stay up late, talking and drinking and filling each other in on their new lives. They didn't reminisce much; the past was dangerous territory, and neither of them were brave enough to touch it. But the past didn't matter when such a beautiful present existed. When such a promising future existed.

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